Millisecond Forums

Is it possible to have a video play for a set time (say 1000 ms) after a response is been given?

By plush - 1/6/2016

Dear Friends,
I have a trial in which a video is shown. Participants are able to provide a response the moment they see the video.
My question is: Is it possible to have the video play for a set time (say 1000 ms) after a response is been given?

By Dave - 1/6/2016

If I understood you correctly, the below might work:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-2=mytrial]

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=myvideo]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ posttrialpause = 1000

<video myvideo>
/ items = ("myvideo.wmv")
/ erase = false
/ size = (50%,50%)
/ playthrough = false

The <video> element is set to *not* play the video to completion (/playthrough=false), but also to *not* erase it at the end of the trial (/erase false). The consequence is that the video should keep playing for the duration of the /posttrialpause defined in the <trial>.
By plush - 1/6/2016

Yes this works! Great suggestion!

One question though: is there any way to use this technique, having the video continue for 1000 ms, but to also keep other elements from disappearing? The video continues to play for 1000 ms, but text-elements disappear.

Best and thank,

By Dave - 1/7/2016

Sure. You set the <text> elements' /erase attributes to 'false' (just as in the <video> element), and they'll remain on-screen.
By plush - 1/7/2016

works perfectly! Thanks for the help!