Millisecond Forums

Embedding IAT in qualtrics

By dbattey - 2/2/2016

I'm a novice and am having trouble embedding the Race IAT into a qualtrics survey.  I'm trying to do it using an iframe, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Is there a way to embed the script in a survey like this or is there a better method?  I pasted the code I used below.  Thanks for your help,

<iframe src="${e://Field/ParticipantID}" width="600px" height="450px"></iframe> 
By Dave - 2/2/2016

You would usually not use an iframe, but instead redirect from the Qualtrics survey to the Inquisit launch page (and if need be from Inquisit back to Qualtrics after the IAT).
By dbattey - 2/3/2016

Thanks for the response.  So would I just put in a link for them to click on to take them to inquisit?  Or is there a way to automatically take them to inquisit when they finish the prior question?  I'd prefer the latter, which is why I was trying the iframe.
By Dave - 2/3/2016

Both should be possible. But since those are things that happen on the Qualtrics-side, you would have to find out the specifics from Qualtrics's support resources.

Automatic redirection is -- at the very least -- possible at the end of a survey.

If needed, you could then redirect from Inquisit / after the IAT to a 2nd Qualtrics survey.

If you prefer a having a single Qualtrics survey, with the IAT somewhere in the middle, then the "click on link / open the Inquisit launch page in new tab or browser window" option is definitely possible. I don't know for certain if Qualtrics supports automatic redirection mid-survey, but Qualtrics support should be able to answer that question.
By dbattey - 2/3/2016

Ok, thanks for the response.  I'll try to figure it out on the qualtrics side then.
By StarxNtheCity - 9/16/2016

I would like to create a survey with an Single Category IAT embedded within it. The service I use to collect participants specifically is averse to having participants redirect out of qualtrics into inquisit. They have suggested I use iframe html as the previous person suggested. Is there an embedding option? 

I have recently been a participant in a study where I completed an IAT that was embedded in the qualtrics and I was not redirected. 

Any advice on how to resolve this? 
By Dave - 9/16/2016

You can *try* embedding the regular launch page URL in an <iframe> -- I'm not sure this will work reliably or at all. As for the other survey you've seen with an "embedded" IAT, chances are that IAT was not built / run using Inquisit, but some other option (e.g. Project Implicit has at least in the past built IATs as Flash / SWF applets, other "pure HTML" implementations of IATs may exist as well).
By StarxNtheCity - 9/16/2016

Thanks so much for the response, I'll look into all of the above. 

3 Cheers! 

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