Millisecond Forums

Reverse-score slider?

By jdelmonico - 2/7/2016

Hello! I am using a scale which is typically rated from 0 to 100, so rather than use radiobuttons and have a big ugly question I decided to go with a scale. Unfortunately, a couple of those questions are supposed to be reverse-scored. Is there any way to reverse-score a slider item? Or should I just forego the creation of summary scores until after the data are in? Thank you!
By jdelmonico - 2/7/2016

And by "scale" I mean slider! If that wasn't clear.
By Dave - 2/7/2016

If you have a slider ranging from 0 to 100, you should be able to reverse-score it mathematically by calculating 100 minus the slider-response.

/ score = 0

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=mypage]

<surveypage mypage>
/ ontrialend = [values.score = slider.a.response + (100-slider.b.response)]
/ questions = [1=a; 2=b]

<slider a>
/ caption = "Scoring: Normal"
/ range = (0,100)

<slider b>
/ caption = "Scoring: Reversed"
/ range = (0,100)

/ columns = [date time subject trialnum trialcode slider.a.response slider.b.response values.score]
/ separatefiles = true

Slider 'b' in the above would be the one that's reverse-scored.
By jdelmonico - 2/7/2016

Thank you very much!