Millisecond Forums

items in wordsequence get repeated, but aren't supposed to

By Ulrike Nestler - 2/18/2016

Hello Sean,

in the difficutl condition of my keep track task I lowered the target categories now to 4 categories and the trial number to 16 trials, so one wordsequence is now 16 words long. Somewhere along I must have made a mistake because in the difficult block, items get repeated and show up twice in the wordsequence, but they are not supposed to. already tried limiting the categorylists with "selectionrate". Doesn't work though. can you please have a look what went wrong?

Kind regards,
Ulrike Nestler
By Dave - 2/18/2016

You now have the situation where you do not sample *all items* belonging to a particular category in a given <block>. You have 6 items per category. In an "easy" block, you might sample 4 of them at random. Consequence: At the start of the next <block> there are 2 unsampled items left in the list. Those will be sampled first, then the list resets and *all six* items become available again for sampling, i.e., you might see repeats.

You ought to reset list.cat1items to list.cat6items /onblockbegin, just like you do with the main category list (<list categorylist>.
By Ulrike Nestler - 2/21/2016

Thanks Dave!!!!
Great help, as always! :)