Millisecond Forums

Unique Completion Code

By donaldfischer - 3/4/2016

Hello All,

I have a batched file which contains several IATs and a survey script. My plan is to provide users with a link to the batched file on Inquisit to  have them complete. The website (MTurk) that I am using to recruit participants suggests having a unique survey completion code at the end of my survey, is there a way for me to include this on the final screen that thanks participants for participating?

Thank you!
By Dave - 3/4/2016

Sure. You can, for example, generate some large random number using the rand() function and -- if that's not unique enough for your purposes -- combine that with the participant's unique subject id. Store the result in a <values> entry and have a standard <text> element display that value in a the final <trial> (or whatever the final "screen" is in your particular case; displaying the code in an instruction <page> element works just as well).

Here's a simple example to illustrate:

The code generation & display should happen somewhere near the end of the final script in your <batch>, e.g., if it's an IAT, the appropriate place would be the "summary" <trial> element.

Alternatively, you can add a script to the <batch> at the very end that does nothing but generate and display the code. No changes to the other scripts (IATs, etc.) run by the <batch> would be required in this case.