Millisecond Forums


By mparekh - 3/6/2016

Hello, I have received conflicting reviews on cutoff scores for the IAT. In one article it is said that any value above +0.65 or below -0.65 indicates a preference one way or another. Some other areas say that any value positive or negative indicates a preference whereas 0 does not. In my data the value I receive (mean value of 150 participants) was 0.46, standard deviation of 0.31. Does this indicate a preference? I would be happy to talk more if you should have the time.

Thank you for your help,

By Dave - 3/6/2016

D-scores are sometimes classified as indicating a "slight", "moderate" or "strong" association. The respective cutoff values are chosen to roughly correspond to typical effect size characterizations.

See for an example.

An absolute value >= .65 would indicate a "strong" association, it is not that case that any value below that would indicate *no association*. Instead, absolute values >= .35 are usually taken to indicate a "moderate" association, while >= .15 would indicate a "slight" effect.
Anything between 0 and .15 would be taken as showing no association.
By Alinaa - 6/26/2016

I am having the same issue looking at IAT data. I understand that scores can range from -2 to +2. So how would the cut off points apply for 0.15 vs 1.15? I assume 0.15 would be little to no preference but what would 1.15 be? 

Thank you!
By Dave - 6/27/2016

1.15 is evidently > 0.65, i.e. it indicates a "strong" relation.