Millisecond Forums

Valid response error

By ClinicalRes - 3/14/2016

I'm new to inquisit and trying to run a simple trial that represents two picture stimuli and prompts for selection, the script is as below:

<item foodpics>
/1 = "0001.jpg"
/2 = "0002.jpg"

<item foodcaptions>
/1 = "Pick your preferred type of food by clicking on one of the pictures:"

<text foodcaption>
/ items = foodcaptions
/ select = 1
/ position = (50%, 20%)

<picture food1>
/ items = foodpics
/ select = 1
/ position = (30%, 50%)

<picture food2>
/ items = foodpics
/ select = 2
/ position = (70%, 50%)

<trial foodchoice>
/ stimulusframes = [1=foodcaption, food1, food2]
/ validresponse = (food1, food2)
/ ontrialend = [if(trial.foodchoice.response=="food1")values.foodchoice="0001.jpg"]
/ ontrialend = [if(trial.foodchoice.response=="food2")values.foodchoice="0002.jpg"]

I'm getting the errors: valid response food1 is not a valid setting and valid response food2 is not a valid setting. 
Any idea why this error is happening? 

By Dave - 3/14/2016

> I'm getting the errors: valid response food1 is not a valid setting and valid response food2 is not a valid setting. 
> Any idea why this error is happening?

/inputdevice needs to be set to mouse in either the <trial> or the <defaults> element for this to work.

If /inputdevice is not specified, Inquisit assumes keyboard as the default. 'food1' and 'food2' are not valid settings for keyboard input.

<trial foodchoice>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ stimulusframes = [1=foodcaption, food1, food2]
/ validresponse = (food1, food2)
/ ontrialend = [if(trial.foodchoice.response=="food1")values.foodchoice="0001.jpg"]
/ ontrialend = [if(trial.foodchoice.response=="food2")values.foodchoice="0002.jpg"]
By ClinicalRes - 3/14/2016

Yes, adding the input device removed the error. Thank you so much!