By sanahadd - 3/31/2016
I'm running a simple "word" vs "non-word" reaction time task. Participants first must run through a 10-item practice trial (5 words & 5 non-words). Since it's a practice run, is there a way for me to give them immediate feedback if they select the wrong response (e.g., they select "non-word" when it's actually a word)? In other words, I want them to know immediately during the practice that they're doing something incorrectly and can only move on to the next practice trial after they've answered correctly.
By Dave - 3/31/2016
To provide immediate error feeback, you need to specify the /errormessage attribute at either the <trial> or <block> level. To require a correct response before allowing to move on to the next trial, you need to set the /response attribute to correct.
<page practicepage> This is practice. </page>
<page testpage> This is test. </page>
<expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2=test] </expt>
<block practice> / preinstructions = (practicepage) / bgstim = (wordlabel, nonwordlabel) / trials = [1-4 = noreplace(wordtrial, nonwordtrial)] / response = correct / errormessage = true(errortxt, 500) </block>
<block test> / preinstructions = (testpage) / bgstim = (wordlabel, nonwordlabel) / trials = [1-4 = noreplace(wordtrial, nonwordtrial)] </block>
<trial wordtrial> / stimulusframes = [1=wordstim] / validresponse = ("w", "n") / correctresponse = ("w") </trial>
<trial nonwordtrial> / stimulusframes = [1=nonwordstim] / validresponse = ("w", "n") / correctresponse = ("n") </trial>
<text wordstim> / items = ("word 1", "word 2") </text>
<text nonwordstim> / items = ("nonword 1", "nonword 2") </text>
<text errortxt> / items = ("wrong answer") / position = (50%, 60%) / txcolor = red </text>
<text wordlabel> / items = ("press w for word") / position = (25%, 10%) </text>
<text nonwordlabel> / items = ("press n for nonword") / position = (75%, 10%) </text>
By sanahadd - 4/5/2016
Hi Dave, So here is what I have for the practice trial block: <block lexicalDecisionTaskPractice> /preinstructions = (practicepage) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-11=noreplace(ldtneutralPractice, ldtnonwordPractice)] / response = correct / errormessage = true(errortxt, 500) </block>
In the instructions, participants are told what buttons on the keyboard to press in order to identify words vs. non-words. Then they are told to press the spacebar in order to begin the practice trials. Right now, with the above script, when I press the spacebar to begin the practice trials, the red "x" is appearing and will not let me advance. Is there a way that I can have the instructions appear without that happening?
By Dave - 4/5/2016
Yes. Simply make the spacebar the correct response in the <trial instructions>.
<trial instructions> ... / correctresponse = (57) ... </trial>