By emilia - 4/1/2016
i have a problem with a flicker task, in which 6 pictures are arranged in a circle and presented for 250 ms, then a blank screen, and then 6 pictures (only 1 is changed). this flicker goes on until response or maximum 10 times. The problem is, that sometimes, 1 or 2 pictures just disappear from the screen after a few flickers. In raw data are registered all the pictures until the end, without showing that 1 or 2 are missing at some point.
i can`t find why this is happening
By emilia - 4/2/2016
actually, i discovered the problem. is the beginresponstime (i don`t know why), but the problem is that when i delete it, the task doesn`t end when i press a valid key (even if it`s defined in the trial and in the defaults). the task keep going until the end. it doesn`t work even if set responseinterrupt = immediate if i let the beginresponstime, i can end the task when i press a valid key, but one of my images disappear any ideas?
By Dave - 4/3/2016
You should be able to avoid that issue by forcing an explicit reset of the <trial>'s stimulus presentation sequence /ontrialbegin:
<trial mytrial> /ontrialbegin = [trial.mytrial.resetstimulusframes();] ... </trial>
By emilia - 4/3/2016
Thanks!!! it works!!!
yeyyy :D
You`ve been of great help, thank you so much!!