By ldobb - 4/5/2016
Hello there!
I'm setting up a task where participants view an image for a few seconds and then answer two followup surveypage/slider questions about the image. I have two categories of images. I'm currently trying to figure out how, using values and expressions, I can generate a value for "average slider rating" on each question in each category as well as average latency for each question/category.
Here is what I've started with - please not that it's a complete mess, I'm basically just trying things out until I figure out how to best score this. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
<picture alc> / items = ( "1P_1.jpg","1P_2.jpg","1P_3.jpg","1P_4.jpg","1P_5.jpg", "1P_6.jpg","1P_7.jpg","1P_8.jpg","1P_9.jpg","1P_10.jpg", "1P_11.jpg","1P_12.jpg","1P_13.jpg","1P_14.jpg","1P_15.jpg", "1P_16.jpg","1P_17.jpg","1P_18.jpg") / select = noreplace / size = (90%, 90%) </picture>
<picture nonalc> / items = ("2P_1.jpg","2P_2.jpg", "2P_3.jpg","2P_4.jpg","2P_5.jpg","2P_6.jpg","2P_7.jpg", "2P_8.jpg","2P_9.jpg","2P_10.jpg","2P_11.jpg","2P_12.jpg", "2P_13.jpg","2P_14.jpg","2P_15.jpg","2P_16.jpg","2P_17.jpg","2P_18.jpg") / select = noreplace / size = (90%, 90%) </picture>
<trial alc> / stimulustimes = [0 = alc] / validresponse = (0) / correctresponse = (0) / trialduration = 3000 / branch = [if(trial.alc.correct) surveypage.pic_surv1] / ontrialbegin = [values.category = 1] </trial>
<values> / category = 0 / alcenjrating = 0 </values>
<expressions> / meanalcscore = trial.alc.response / alclatenjoy = [if (values.category == 1) meanlatency (surveypage.pic_surv1)] / nonalclatenjoy = [if (values.category == 2) meanlatency (surveypage.pic_surv1)] </expressions>
<trial nonalc> / stimulustimes = [0 = nonalc] / validresponse = (0) / correctresponse = (0) / trialduration = 3000 / branch = [if(trial.nonalc.correct) surveypage.pic_surv1] / ontrialbegin = [values.category = 2] </trial>
<surveypage pic_surv1> / branch = [if(slider.stim_slider1.response = true) surveypage.pic_surv2] / questions = [1 = stim_slider1] / stimulusframes = [1 = slider_q1, slider_l1, slider_r1, slider_remind] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / finishlabel = "Submit" / navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / nextbuttonposition = (46.75%, 70%) / ontrialbegin = [if (values.category == 1) values.category = 1 || if (values.category == 2) values.category = 2] / ontrialend = [if (values.category == 1) values.alcenjrating = surveypage.pic_surv1.response] </surveypage>
<surveypage pic_surv2> / questions = [1 = stim_slider2] / stimulusframes = [1 = slider_q2, slider_l2, slider_r2, slider_remind] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / finishlabel = "Submit" / navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / nextbuttonposition = (46.75%, 70%) </surveypage>
<slider stim_slider1> / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / slidersize = (100%, 50%) / position = (10%, 50%) / showtooltips = false </slider>
<slider stim_slider2> / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / slidersize = (100%, 50%) / position = (10%, 50%) / showtooltips = false </slider>
<text slider_q1> / items = ("How much would you ENJOY drinking this beverage?") / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true) / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<text slider_q2> / items = ("How much do you WANT this beverage right now?") / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true) / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<text slider_remind> / items = ("Drag the slider along the line to select your response.") / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / txcolor = (64, 64, 64) </text>
<text slider_l1> / items = ("I would not enjoy it at all.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true) / position = (10%, 56%) </text>
<text slider_r1> / items = ("I would enjoy this a lot.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true) / position = (90%, 56%) </text>
<text slider_l2> / items = ("I do not want this beverage at all right now.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true) / position = (15%, 56%) </text>
<text slider_r2> / items = ("I really want this beverage right now.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true) / position = (85%, 56%) </text>
By ldobb - 4/5/2016
Just to outline my objectives: - I would like there to be an average slider response for both questions divided by category (this is what I was trying to get at by assigning category values) - It would also be great if those could come with an average latency, which seems to be a bit more straightforward in Inquisit - I think that since I used a lot of branching/responsetrial type of stuff, I'm concerned I won't be able to understand what a certain value/response is referring to....agh.
I've combed the boards and the tutorials, but please let me know if there is a similar template I can work with. This has been very helpful in the past.
By Dave - 4/5/2016
Just sum the the ratings and latencies up by category and divide by N.
<values> / currentcategory = ""
/ cat_a_q1_sum = 0 / cat_a_q2_sum = 0 / cat_a_rt_sum = 0 / cat_a_n = 0
/ cat_b_q1_sum = 0 / cat_b_q2_sum = 0 / cat_b_rt_sum = 0 / cat_b_n = 0
<expressions> / cat_a_q1_meanrating = (values.cat_a_q1_sum/values.cat_a_n) / cat_a_q2_meanrating = (values.cat_a_q2_sum/values.cat_a_n) / cat_a_meanrt = (values.cat_a_rt_sum/values.cat_a_n)
/ cat_b_q1_meanrating = (values.cat_b_q1_sum/values.cat_b_n) / cat_b_q2_meanrating = (values.cat_b_q2_sum/values.cat_b_n) / cat_b_meanrt = (values.cat_b_rt_sum/values.cat_b_n) </expressions>
<block myblock> / trials = [1-8 = noreplace(cat_a_trial, cat_b_trial)] </block>
<trial cat_a_trial> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentcategory = "a"] / stimulusframes = [1=a_stim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 3000 / branch = [surveypage.rating] </trial>
<trial cat_b_trial> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentcategory = "b"] / stimulusframes = [1=b_stim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 3000 / branch = [surveypage.rating] </trial>
<text a_stim> / items = ("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4") </text>
<text b_stim> / items = ("B1", "B2", "B3", "B4") </text>
<surveypage rating> / ontrialend = [if (values.currentcategory == "a") {values.cat_a_n += 1; values.cat_a_q1_sum += slider.q1.response; values.cat_a_q2_sum += slider.q2.response; values.cat_a_rt_sum += surveypage.rating.latency; }; ] / ontrialend = [if (values.currentcategory == "b") {values.cat_b_n += 1; values.cat_b_q1_sum += slider.q1.response; values.cat_b_q2_sum += slider.q2.response; values.cat_b_rt_sum += surveypage.rating.latency; }; ] / questions = [1=q1; 2=q2] </surveypage>
<slider q1> / caption = "Q1" / range = (0, 100) </slider>
<slider q2> / caption = "Q2" / range = (0, 100) </slider>
<data> / columns = [date time subject group blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode stimulusitem response latency values.currentcategory values.cat_a_n values.cat_a_q1_sum values.cat_a_q2_sum values.cat_a_rt_sum values.cat_b_n values.cat_b_q1_sum values.cat_b_q2_sum values.cat_b_rt_sum expressions.cat_a_q1_meanrating expressions.cat_a_q2_meanrating expressions.cat_a_meanrt expressions.cat_b_q1_meanrating expressions.cat_b_q2_meanrating expressions.cat_b_meanrt ] / separatefiles = true </data>
By ldobb - 4/5/2016
Dave, thank you so much for your response. You've been a tremendous help!
Quick question: if I want there to be text elements in my surveypages that are defined elsewhere, how would I do this? Stimulusframes? Even if there are 2 questions?
By ldobb - 4/5/2016
Maybe I could have a <survey> with each question as a page. Can you branch from a trial to a survey?
By ldobb - 4/5/2016
Okay, I now understand that <survey> is a type of <block> and <surveypage> a type of <trial>. However, if I have two questions that I want answered on separate pages, but I need them to follow the display of each image, how do I do this?
By Dave - 4/5/2016
To display elements on a <surveypage>, you use the page's /stimulusframes. Ideally, though, you should avoid that and use <caption> elements displayed via the page's /questions attribute instead.
You cannot /branch from a <trial> to a <survey>. A <survey> is a special type of <block>, and branches generally need to be at the same "level": I.e., you can /branch from a <trial> to another <trial> (a <surveypage> is a type of <trial>), but not to a <block>. Conversely, a <block> can /branch to another <block>, but not to a <trial>.
By ldobb - 4/5/2016
I see what you mean. How does a surveypage's stimulusframes correspond to its questions, though?
By Dave - 4/5/2016
It doesn't. Those are two entirely separate things.
If you need different messages tied to different sets of questions, set up separate <surveypage>s.