Millisecond Forums

Participants having issues with web version of Inquisit 5

By tmd - 4/7/2016


A lot of my participants are having issues using Inquisit Web with their browsers. We have already told them that Google Chrome doesn't work, but apparently even with IE they are getting the "The current operation is not supported" message. 
Is there an issue here that I am missing, I don't see many other posts talking about issues with running, so I am starting to wonder if there is something wrong with my script. 

By Dave - 4/7/2016

It is not true that Chrome doesn't work. It definitely does with Inquisit 5 (it does not with Inquisit 3). Go to your web experiment's settings and make sure that

(1) You are using the latest Inquisit 5 Web version (, and

(2) You have enabled all download technologies in the launch page section.

If the above doesn't work or you need help with it, post the link to your experiment's launch page here and I'll gladly assist with working out the issues.
By ClinicalRes - 4/7/2016

Hi Dave, can you explain how to enable download technologies on the launch page?

By Dave - 4/7/2016

- Open your web experiment's settings by clicking the "Edit" button next to the listed web script.
- Go to the launch page section in the settings.
- Make sure all options listed under "Select which ownload technologies to use" are checked. At a minimum, the player option must be enabled.
- Click the save button.
By ClinicalRes - 4/7/2016

Thank you!