By Maurits - 4/13/2016
I'am trying to adjust the Effort Expenditure for Reward (EEfRT) task I found in the library ( This task consists of easy and hard trials (button presses with the index finger of the dominant hand VS button presses with the little finger of the non-dominant hand. In the inquistit version of this task, both hard en easy trials are performed by pressing the spacebar. Each button press raises a bar up a little. In the original version however, two different keys are used "s" and "l". If right handed, for easy trials, participants press the "l" with their right-hand index finger, and for difficult trials the press the "s" with their left-hand little finger, for left handed-participants this is reversed. I want to use this two different button version of the task. I am experiences problems making the validresponse option conditional on the handedness of the participant.
I first asked participants whether they are right- or left-handed: <radiobuttons hand> / caption = "Are you left or right-handed?" / options = ("Left","Right") / optionvalues = ("1","2") / position = (50%, 50%) / required = true </radiobuttons>
Then I want to change the following trial, where the spacebar is indicated as valid, into a conditional valid response: <trial hard> / stimulusframes = [1 = buttonpress, outerbox, innerbox, filling] / validresponse = (57) / beginresponsetime = -1 / ontrialend = [ if (trial.hard.response == 57) { values.countpresses += 1; values.fillingheight += expressions.increasefillingheight; }; if (values.countpresses >= parameters.hardpresses) values.success = 1 else values.success = 0; values.remainingtaskduration -= trial.hard.latency; if (values.remainingtaskduration < 0) values.remainingtaskduration = 0; ] / branch = [ if (values.success == 0 && values.remainingtaskduration > 0) trial.hard else if (values.success == 1) trial.success else trial.failure ] / recorddata = false / timeout = values.remainingtaskduration </trial>
I tried: / validresponse = (if (radiobuttons.hand.response==1)] 38 else 31) but this is not allowed. In addition, the following part: "/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.hard.response == 57)" has to be made conditional as well.
Do you have any suggestions how to proceed?
By Dave - 4/13/2016
For conditional / dynamically determined valid responses, you need to use the
/isvalidresponse attribute, not /validresponse
Similarly, for the case of correct response evaluation, the equivalent is
/iscorrectresponse, not /correctresponse
The easiest thing to do is something like:
<values> / responsekey = 57 </values>
<surveypage handedness> / ontrialend = [if (radiobuttons.hand.response == "1") values.responsekey = 38 else values.responsekey = 31; ] / questions = [1= hand] </surveypage>
<radiobuttons hand> / caption = "Are you left or right-handed?" / options = ("Left","Right") / optionvalues = ("1","2") / position = (50%, 50%) / required = true </radiobuttons>
<trial hard> / stimulusframes = [1 = buttonpress, outerbox, innerbox, filling] / isvalidresponse = [trial.hard.response == values.responsekey] / beginresponsetime = -1 / ontrialend = [ if (trial.hard.response == values.responsekey) { values.countpresses += 1; values.fillingheight += expressions.increasefillingheight; }; ... </trial>
By Maurits - 4/13/2016
Thank you very much, it works now!