> licensetimestamp
Before a script is executed a license check (is the script registered under a still active license?) performed. Reflects the time of that check.
> errortimestamp
Reflects the time an error occured (if any), such as a failure to download a file (e.g. because it's missing), a graphics error, etc.
> finishtimestamp How does this differ from dataTimeStamp? Finishtime should reflect the time all actions, including data upload, have completed. You'll usually find it to be a maybe 1 or 2 seconds later than datatimestamp.
> finishuseragent
How does this differ from useragent? On some systems it is possible that -- due to system configuration or some other technical issue-- the finish page would be opened in a different browser than the one the experiment was launched with (useragent seen by the launch page). This is detectable by comparing useragent and finishuseragent.
> finishredirect
External URL (if any) that was redirected to after the experiment.
Hope this helps.