Millisecond Forums

Inquisit stopped saving data

By Herby1209 - 4/22/2016

Hi guys,

I use Inquisit 5 (Version 64 bit build 3462) at four computers in a lab at my university and until maybe tuesday it worked perfectly fine. I didn't make any changes to the script or anything else but Inquisit stopped saving data. In monkey mode it is able to create the data files and also saves everything correctly. When using the experimental mode it doesn't save anything to the existing data file (and if there is no data file it doesn't create one either). The problem occurred on all four notebooks and also happens to other students using different scripts. There is no warning or error message.

i already checked the following:
-Inquisit has the right to write into the folder (monkey mode can create the data file)
-all four licenses are okay
-the script works perfectly fine

Do you have any idea why this is happening? 


By Dave - 4/23/2016

#1: The version you are using -- Version 64 bit build 3462 -- is outdated. You should install the latest release available via . That should  be build 3582 at the time of writing.

> In monkey mode it is able to create the data files and also saves everything correctly. When using the experimental mode it doesn't save
> anything to the existing data file (and if there is no data file it doesn't create one either"

This is exactly what you would see when using an expired trial version: No data recorded when run "manually", but the monkey still generating data.

> all four licenses are okay

How did you check that, what are the respective computer and registration keys and what's the account (account name, user name, email address or purchase number) those licenses are tied to?


By Herby1209 - 4/24/2016

#1 I will inform the IT-guy to update Inquisit but would an outdated version stop saving data without any warning message?

#2 Yeah that's exactly what happens on my PC at home when using a trial version but there is a warning message. In the university there is no warning or error at all.

#3 I don't know the account myself but someone logged into the millisecond account and checked it. Additionally we checked it on every computer with "help -->about"
Problem is that I don't have any admin rights but I was asked to post the problem in this forum because we want to solve the problem as fast as possible and there is no IT-guy at weekends.

Thank you,
By Dave - 4/24/2016

> #1 I will inform the IT-guy to update Inquisit but would an outdated version stop saving data without any warning message?

No, unless you somehow managed to obtain and install one of the earlier beta builds; those would expire after a certain period.

> #3 I don't know the account myself but someone logged into the millisecond account and checked it. Additionally we checked it on every
> computer with "help -->about"

Can you post a screenshot of the "Help -> About" window(s)?b
By Herby1209 - 4/24/2016


actually I took a picture of the registration at one of the computers. I blacked out the last four digits because I don't know if the full key should be posted online.
The account should be "Mario Gollwitzer" from the Philipps Universität Marburg. Mail should be something like

By Dave - 4/25/2016

Thanks. The information is perfectly sufficient. The licenses & registration indeed look okay.

I don't know what would cause the failure to create data files. It is possible that the log (Tools -> View Log File...) provides some hints.

Regardless, though, I would recommend updating the systems to the latest release first and then report back in case the issue persists.b
By ekleiman - 5/9/2016

Hello- Has there been a solution for this problem? I'm having the same thing using Inquisit 5 (build 3598)-- the software is registered and the script worked perfectly well and was saving until a few days ago and now we can only get data to save from the Script Monkey. The log file doesn't seem to have any errors etc.
By Dave - 5/9/2016

My best guess at the moment is that for some reason the registration information got corrupted in some weird way. If you could send me the computer keys of the affected systems via a private message, I can get you a special registration key that will reset that information (step #1. This will create a new computer key in the process. Step #2, then, would be re-registering the machines to see if that fixes the failure to record data files when completing scripts manually (as opposed to running the monkey).

By ekleiman - 5/9/2016

Great, thanks Dave! I just PMed you the keys. 
By Herby1209 - 5/10/2016

Hi and sorry i forgot to keep you informed. Reinstallation fixed the problem and so far everything works fine.
By jeff.smith - 5/12/2016

I am having the same issue. I have PM'd you, Dave, with info.

I really hope this will not be an issue when actually collecting data from participants. We will not be able to ask them to 'just do it again'.

By erikb - 5/12/2016

Could people please report the operating system version they are seeing this on?

Thanks and Enjoy,
By jeff.smith - 5/13/2016

Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32bit
By seandr - 5/30/2016

We've released an update to 5.0.1 that should fix this issue, downloadable here: 
If you have the previous release of Inquisit 5.0.1 installed, you'll need to uninstall it before installing the update. 
Please let us know if you have any issues with the update. 
