Millisecond Forums

make script dependent on gender respondent

By jell8ie - 4/25/2016


I would like to run an experiment and make the conditions dependent on the gender of the respondent: girls will get the girl-version, boys the boy version.
Can anybody inform on how to best do this in inquisit 4?

By Dave - 4/25/2016

The best approach will depend on the specifics of your script. There are several options:

#1: You can set up separate <block>s, <trial>s, etc. for girls vs. boys and use /skip attributes to only run those that apply depending on the response to the gender-question. Basic example:

/ blocks = [1=genderblock; 2=girlblock; 3=boyblock]

<block genderblock>
/ trials = [1=genderpage]

<block girlblock>
/ skip = [dropdown.genderq.response == "Boy."]
/ trials = [1=girltrial]

<block boyblock>
/ skip = [dropdown.genderq.response == "Girl."]
/ trials = [1=boytrial]

<surveypage genderpage>
/ questions = [1=genderq]

<dropdown genderq>
/ caption = "I am a..."
/ options = ("Girl.", "Boy.")

<trial girltrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=girltext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<trial boytrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=boytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text girltext>
/ items = ("This is the girls-version.")

<text boytext>
/ items = ("This is the boys-version.")

#2: You can also do something like in the multi-language IAT, i.e., have participants indicate their gender (instead of their language) and draw from different item sets accordingly:
By jell8ie - 4/27/2016

Thanks, this was very helpful!