By Foolish_Prof - 4/27/2016
Not a good introduction to a forum, but I have a probably stupid question that I have searched through the forums for to no avail. I'm trying to run the BARTauto script initially using the default setup in the millisecond test library - but it falls over because the stimuli (balloon.jpg; poppedballoon.jpg; casino.wav; inflate.wav; explosion.wav) are all missing. Is there a standard source for these files? I can pull some of the sound files from the original Author's old implementation of the task, but not all of it.
thanks for any help - I have been tearing my hair out on this!!
By Dave - 4/27/2016
Not a stupid question at all -- turns out the link in the library points to the wrong file. The correct link is
and the archive contains all necessary stimuli alongside the script.
Hope this helps.
By Foolish_Prof - 4/27/2016
You, Sir, deserve a medal - THANK YOU!