Millisecond Forums

Running Batched Tasks - Need Multiple Web Licenses?

By LokKinYeung - 5/19/2016

I'm trying to run a battery of tasks in Inquisit Web, each programmed as its own script file, launched off a batch file. Can I do this with a single web license? My understanding was that it should be possible (otherwise, I could just pack everything into a single script file which has effectively the same function), but I'm getting an error when I try to do this saying that one of the task scripts "is not registered for account". Is that because batching files like this is not permitted, or because I had previously uploaded that one task script as a test, and then taken it down again?
By LokKinYeung - 5/19/2016

Never mind, I figured out that this was due to an error on my custom launch page. The batched script runs just fine.
By Dave - 5/19/2016

Great you were able to locate the error. For the sake of posterity:

A single web license is enough to collect data for several scripts run via <batch> elements.