Millisecond Forums

randomized groups of surveypages in survey

By francesca92 - 6/8/2016

Hi! I have a question about the randomization of 3 surveypages in a survey. I have 4 parts of a questionnaires (a, b, c, d), each of these parts includes 3 surveypages (a1, a2, a3, b1, b2 ecc). I would like to randomize only the main parts a, b, c, d, not the order of the subgroups a1, a2 ecc. How can i do that? I can't use extp because this survey is a filler between other tasks, already randomized and divided in a superior level. But I understand that survey works with trials/pages not with blocks, right? Thank you so much in advance!

<survey filler>
/ pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2; 3-6= noreplace (a, b, c, d); 7=immigration]
/ timeout = 600000

<block a>
/ trials = [1=a1; 2=a2; 3=a3]

<block b>
/trials = [1=b1; 2=b2; 3=b3]

same for block c and d

<surveypage a1>
/caption = "Please answer honestly. This person is an ARAB woman. How is she?"
/questions = [1=credible; 2= intelligent; 3= passive; 4=threatening]
/ stimulusframes = [1= arabhijab]
/ontrialbegin = [picture.arabhijab]
/ontrialend = [if (slider.credible > slider.intelligent > slider.passive > slider.threatening)]

same for a2, a3, b1, b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 d1 d2 d3

<expt 1>
/blocks = [1 = consenso; 2=arab_without; 3= filler; 4= practice_item; 5= a_without]
/subjects = (1 of 4)
/groupassignment = subjectnumber
 same for expt 2, 3, 4
By Dave - 6/9/2016

A <survey> is a kind of <block>. You cannot randomize other <block>s within a <block>, which is why

<survey filler>
/ pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2; 3-6= noreplace (a, b, c, d); 7=immigration]
By Dave - 6/9/2016

A <survey> is a kind of <block>. You cannot randomize other <block>s within a <block>, which is why

<survey filler>
/ pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2; 3-6= noreplace (a, b, c, d); 7=immigration]

will not work.

Delete the <block> elements a to do. Then do the following:

Sample only the 1st surveypage of each "component" a to do randomly as in

<survey filler>
/ pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2; 3-6= noreplace (a1, b1, c1, d1); 7=immigration]

Then use /branch at the <surveypage> level to go from the 1st to the 2nd, from the 2nd to the 3rd, and so on.

<surveypage a1>
/ branch = [surveypage.a2]

<surveypage a2>
/ branch = [surveypage.a3]


<surveypage b1>
/ branch = [surveypage.b2]

<surveypage b2>
/ branch = [surveypage.b3]


The result will be a random order of the components a to d, with the order of pages *within* each component left intact.