Millisecond Forums

How to program an input screen

By Lucie1043 - 6/21/2016

Hi everyone,

I am trying to find a way to program an input screen for the experimenters. Indeed, I would like them to be able to select the settings they wish to use without editing the initial script.
For example, It'd be great if they could choose the task complexity, the number of blocks, the set of stimuli they want to use, the order of presentation of trials (sequence or random)...
Is it possible to create such an interface?


By Dave - 6/21/2016

Yes, you can do such things (to a degree) by setting up a <surveypage> containing questions for the various settings and then set <values>, /branch etc. in the script according to the responses in those questions. You must, of course, run that page at the very start of the respective procedure.

See e.g. and the Multi-language IAT script at as examples.