By - 6/21/2016
When I run the code, all of the pictures pop up quickly and stay on the screen. I want the to pop up one at a time. The refresh rate on my computer is 60Hz. I'm assuming there is something wrong with my trials, but I'll include my coding for the pictures and blocks too.
<text fixation> /items = ("+") /color = (255, 255, 255) /txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0) /erase = false </text>
<picture noisescreen> /items =("noisescreen.jpg") /position = (50, 50) /valign = center /halign = center </picture>
<picture bascissors1> /items = ("scissors1.jpg") /position = (50, 50) /valign = center /halign = center </picture>
<picture tiaosnake1> /items = ("snake1.jpg") /position = (50, 50) /valign = center /halign = center </picture>
<trial Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice> /pretrialpause = 300 /validresponse = ("b", "a") /correctresponse = ("a") /stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 5=bascissors1; 7=noisescreen; 12=tiaosnake1; 14=noisescreen; 20=tiaosnake1] /posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
//refresh rate is 60Hz (1 frame = 16.7 ms for 60Hz) //fixation (1 frame, 16.7 ms); bascissors1 (4 frames, 66.8 ms); noisescreen (2 frames, 33.4 ms); tiaosnake1 (4 frames, 66.8 ms); //noisescreen (2 frames, 33.4 ms); bascissors1 (i need to figure out how to make this last until they press a button)
<trial Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice> /pretrialpause = 300 /validresponse = ("a", "b") /correctresponse = ("b") /stimulusframes = [1=fixation; 5=bascissors1; 7=noisescreen; 12=tiaosnake1; 14=noisescreen; 20 =bascissors1] /posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<block ABXpractice> /trials = [1-4= noreplace(Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice, Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice)] /bgstim = (fixation) /errormessage = (errormessage, 300) /blockfeedback = (latency, correct) </block>
<block ABXtrials> /preinstructions = (begin) /trials = [1-2= noreplace(Scissors1Snake1Scissors2practice, Scissors1Snake1Snake2practice)] /bgstim = (fixation) </block>
Please help me find my mistake! Katlyn
By Dave - 6/21/2016
Stimuli -- once drawn to the screen in a trial -- are supposed to remain on-screen for the duration of the trial (usually until a response is given). If you want to "remove" a stimulus during a trial, you have to cover it up with another stimulus (e.g. a <shape>) at the desired point in time. You will find this covered in the "How to erase stimuli" topic in the Inquisit documentation:
Here's a very simple example to illustrate:
<block someblock> / trials = [1-4 = sometrial] </block>
<trial sometrial> / stimulusframes = [1=a; 11=erase, b; 21=erase, c] / validresponse = (57) </trial>
<text a> / items = ("A") / position = (25%, 25%) </text>
<text b> / items = ("B") / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text c> / items = ("C") / position = (75%, 75%) </text>
<shape erase> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) </shape>
By - 6/22/2016
thank you! That fixed the problem.
one more question though.... I can't see the editor (that shows you the reasons why your script isn't run) at the bottom of my screen. How do pull this up again?
Thanks, Katlyn
By Dave - 6/22/2016
You should be able to display or remove the panels at the bottom of the editor via the View menu.