By Lucie1043 - 7/1/2016
I've had a few questions lately and you've been very helpful! In this experiment, participants need to solve a problem. They can click on a button to request some more informations to figure out the correct answer. They can get as many as 6 cues. Those 6 cues are provided in a random order and they are part of a pool of 20 cues. Each cue provided must stay on the screen (this way, the participant doesn't have to memorize it). Moreover, each cue provided has a special location the screen (I am wondering of I should create counter elements here...)
Thanks in advance!
By Dave - 7/1/2016
I'm afraid your description is too unspecific to say anything useful or provide any example code.
- What kind(s) of problem(s) are participants supposed to solve and how? What is the response modality? - You say there's a pool of 20 cues and participants can request a maximum of 6. You further state that "each cue [...] has a special location the screen." So, are there 6 or 20 locations? What are those locations and how do they relate to the respective cue?
By Dave - 7/1/2016
Despite the various open questions and blank spots (cf. previous response), perhaps this rough sketch will be useful as a basis for you to work from:
<block myblock> / trials = [1=showproblem] </block>
<values> / cuecount = 0 </values>
<trial showproblem> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=problemstim, hintsreceived, requestcue, solveproblem] / validresponse = (requestcue, solveproblem) / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "solveproblem") openended.entersolution] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "requestcue" && values.cuecount < 6) trial.givecue else openended.entersolution] </trial>
<trial givecue> / ontrialbegin = [values.cuecount += 1; ] / stimulusframes = [1=cuestim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 0 / branch = [trial.showproblem] </trial>
<openended entersolution> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, problemstim, entersolutionstim] / validresponse = (anyresponse) / correctresponse = ("solution") </openended>
<text problemstim> / items = ("[THE PROBLEM]") / erase = false / position = (50%, 10%) </text>
<text cuestim> / items = cueitems / erase = false / hposition = list.cue_x.nextvalue / vposition = list.cue_y.nextvalue </text>
<item cueitems> / 1 = "Cue A" / 2 = "Cue B" / 3 = "Cue C" / 4 = "Cue D" / 5 = "Cue E" / 6 = "Cue F" / 7 = "Cue G" / 8 = "Cue H" / 9 = "Cue I" / 10 = "Cue J" / 11 = "Cue K" / 12 = "Cue L" / 13 = "Cue M" / 14 = "Cue N" / 15 = "Cue O" / 16 = "Cue P" / 17 = "Cue Q" / 18 = "Cue R" / 19 = "Cue S" / 20 = "Cue T" </item>
<text requestcue> / items = ("Give me a hint!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (35%, 85%) </text>
<text solveproblem> / items = ("I know the solution!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (65%, 85%) </text>
<text entersolutionstim> / items = ("Please enter the solution:") / erase = false / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<shape clearscreen> / color = (white) / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) / erase = false </shape>
<list cue_x> / items = (25%, 50%, 75%, 25%, 50%, 75%) / selectionmode = sequence </list>
<list cue_y> / items = (40%, 40%, 40%, 60%, 60%, 60%) / selectionmode = list.cue_x.currentindex </list>
<text hintsreceived> / items = ("(Hints received: <%values.cuecount%>.)") / position = (50%, 15%) / erase = false </text>
By Lucie1043 - 7/2/2016
Thank you! I can definitely use your script as a basis for the script I am writing.
I just have one more question. Participants are supposed to solve 4 problems from a pool of 10 problems. At the moment, every time I request a cue, the problem changes. How could I keep the same problem until the participant solve it?
Thanks again, Lucie
By Dave - 7/3/2016
Set up a <list> containing the item numbers for the 10 problems (1 to 10). Start each "round" with a "start" trial that does nothing but select an item number from that <list> and stores it in a <values> entry. Use that value for selection in the "problem" stimulus element.
Here's an extension of the previous example to 2 problems. (I suppose there are different sets of cues pertaining to each problem, so that has to be worked into the script as well):
<block myblock> / trials = [1-2=starttrial] </block>
<values> / problemnumber = 0 / cuenumber = 0 / cuecount = 0 </values>
<trial starttrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.problemnumber = list.problemitems.nextindex; values.cuecount = 0; text.cuestim.resetselection(); list.cue_x.reset(); list.cue_y.reset();] / validresponse = (0) / branch = [trial.showproblem] / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial>
<trial showproblem> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=problemstim, hintsreceived, requestcue, solveproblem] / validresponse = (requestcue, solveproblem) / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "solveproblem") openended.entersolution] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "requestcue" && values.cuecount < 6) trial.givecue else openended.entersolution] </trial>
<trial givecue> / ontrialbegin = [values.cuecount += 1; values.cuenumber = list.cueitems.nextvalue; ] / stimulusframes = [1=cuestim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 0 / branch = [trial.showproblem] </trial>
<openended entersolution> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, problemstim, entersolutionstim] / validresponse = (anyresponse) / correctresponse = ("solution") </openended>
<text problemstim> / items = ("Problem A", "Problem B") / erase = false / position = (50%, 10%) / select = values.problemnumber </text>
<text cuestim> / items = cueitems / erase = false / select = values.cuenumber / hposition = list.cue_x.nextvalue / vposition = list.cue_y.nextvalue </text>
<item cueitems> / 1 = "PA Cue A" / 2 = "PA Cue B" / 3 = "PA Cue C" / 4 = "PA Cue D" / 5 = "PA Cue E" / 6 = "PA Cue F" / 7 = "PA Cue G" / 8 = "PA Cue H" / 9 = "PA Cue I" / 10 = "PA Cue J" / 11 = "PA Cue K" / 12 = "PA Cue L" / 13 = "PA Cue M" / 14 = "PA Cue N" / 15 = "PA Cue O" / 16 = "PA Cue P" / 17 = "PA Cue Q" / 18 = "PA Cue R" / 19 = "PA Cue S" / 20 = "PA Cue T"
/ 21 = "PB Cue A" / 22 = "PB Cue B" / 23 = "PB Cue C" / 24 = "PB Cue D" / 25 = "PB Cue E" / 26 = "PB Cue F" / 27 = "PB Cue G" / 28 = "PB Cue H" / 29 = "PB Cue I" / 30 = "PB Cue J" / 31 = "PB Cue K" / 32 = "PB Cue L" / 33 = "PB Cue M" / 34 = "PB Cue N" / 35 = "PB Cue O" / 36 = "PB Cue P" / 37 = "PB Cue Q" / 38 = "PB Cue R" / 39 = "PB Cue S" / 40 = "PB Cue T" </item>
<text requestcue> / items = ("Give me a hint!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (35%, 85%) </text>
<text solveproblem> / items = ("I know the solution!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (65%, 85%) </text>
<text entersolutionstim> / items = ("Please enter the solution:") / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<shape clearscreen> / color = (white) / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) / erase = false </shape>
<list cue_x> / items = (25%, 50%, 75%, 25%, 50%, 75%) / selectionmode = sequence </list>
<list cue_y> / items = (40%, 40%, 40%, 60%, 60%, 60%) / selectionmode = list.cue_x.currentindex </list>
<text hintsreceived> / items = ("(Hints received: <%values.cuecount%>.)") / position = (50%, 15%) / erase = false </text>
<list problemitems> / poolsize = 2 </list>
//list of lists of cues pertaining to the different problems <list cueitems> / items = (list.pa_cueitems.nextvalue, list.pb_cueitems.nextvalue) / selectionmode = values.problemnumber </list>
//cue items pertaining to problem A are item numbers 1 to 20 <list pa_cueitems> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) </list>
//cue items pertaining to problem B are item numbers 21 to 40 <list pb_cueitems> / items = (21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40) </list>
By Lucie1043 - 7/13/2016
Thanks to your numerous advices, I am nearly done programing this experiment! Nevertheless, I am still facing different issues I haven't been able to solve by myself yet.
#1 : I need to define a correct answer with each problem BUT I also need to associate a text element with a picture element and a value. When I do that I don't get the right answers anymore :
<values> / problemnumber = 0 </values>
<list answers1> / items = ("no", "no","yes", "yes") / selectionmode =text.problemstim_frame.currentindex </list>
<text problemstim_frame> / items =problemitem_frame / fontstyle =("Arial", 15pt, true) / txcolor = (255, 0,0) / position = (50, 30) / select =picture.problemstim_stimuli.currentitemnumber / erase = false </text> <picture problemstim_stimuli> / items =problemitem_stimuli / position = (50, 30) / select =values.problemnumber / erase = false </picture> If I do that instead, it works fine but it isn't associated with a value anymore :
<picture Question_0click> / items = question_0click / position = (50, 30) / select = text.question_opposite_0click.currentindex </picture>
<text question_opposite_0click> / items = question_opposite_0click / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt, true) / txcolor = (255, 0, 0) / position = (50, 30) / select = noreplace </text>
What do you think?
#2 : The second problem I can't solve is about the timer. I only want to reset the timer when a <trial showproblem> is starting (not when I ask for a cue).
<block myblock> / trials = [1=showproblem] </block>
<values> / cuecount = 0 / tasktimeout = 60000 / tasktimeoutleft = 0 </values>
<trial showproblem> / ontrialbegin = [values.tasktimeoutleft = values.tasktimeout- trial.showproblem.elapsedtime] / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=problemstim, hintsreceived, requestcue, solveproblem, timer] / validresponse = (requestcue, solveproblem) / timeout = values.tasktimeoutleft / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "solveproblem") openended.entersolution] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "requestcue" && values.cuecount < 6) trial.givecue else openended.entersolution] </trial>
<trial givecue> / ontrialbegin = [values.cuecount += 1; ] / stimulusframes = [1=cuestim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 0 / branch = [trial.showproblem] </trial>
<clock Timer> / mode = timer / resetrate = trial / erase = false / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / txbgcolor = black / timeout = values.tasktimeout / position = (90%, 90%) / format = "mm:ss" </clock>
#3 : My last problem concerns a likert scale I want to include. Every 5 problems, I want to know if the participant is confident in the final answer ("yes" , "no") he just provided, before giving him a feedback on his performance ("congratulations", "you loose").
<values> / instructionnumber = 0 / problemnumber = 0 / cuenumber = 0 / cuecount = 0 / points_available = 100 / problem_number = 1 / numberoftries = 0 / score = 0 </values>
<trial starttrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.instructionnumber = list.instructionitems.nextindex ; values.problemnumber = list.problemitems.nextindex; values.cuecount = 0; text.cuestim_frame.resetselection(); picture.cuestim_stimuli.resetselection() ; list.cue_x.reset(); list.cue_y.reset(); values.points_available = 100; values.numberoftries = 0; values.problem_number = list.problemitems.nextindex ] / validresponse = (0) / branch = [trial.showproblem] / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial>
<trial showproblem> / ontrialbegin = [values.numberoftries += 1] / ontrialbegin = [if (values.numberoftries > 1) values.points_available -= list.subtractpoints.nextindex; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.showproblem.correct) values.score += values.points_available; ] / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1= instructionframe, instruction1_stimuli, instruction2_stimuli,instruction1_frame, instruction2_frame, problemstim_stimuli, problemstim_frame, Is, ?, requestcue, yes, no, points, hintsreceived] / validresponse = (requestcue, yes, no) / iscorrectresponse = [trial.showproblem.response == list.answers1.nextvalue] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.correct) trial.congratulation] / branch = [if ( trial.showproblem.response == "yes" || trial.showproblem.response =="no" && values.problem_number = 5) likert.valence] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "requestcue" && values.cuecount < 6) trial.givecue else trial.error] </trial>
<item confidencescale> /1 = "How confident are you that your answer is correct?" </item>
<text confidencescale> / items = confidencescale / position = (50, 10) </text>
<likert valence> / stimulusframes = [1 = confidencescale] / anchors = [1 = "Not at all confident"; 4= "Moderately confident"; 7= "Very confident"] / numpoints = 7 / anchorwidth=150px / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [trial.congratulations] </likert>
<trial congratulations> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, congratulations, next] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("next") </trial>
<trial error> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, error, next] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("next") </trial>
Thanks again for your help! Lucie
By Dave - 7/13/2016
Re. #1: You simply use the <values> entry you populate at the start of every round for selection in all relevant elements.
<list answers1> / items = ("no", "no","yes", "yes") / selectionmode =values.problemnumber </list>
<text problemstim_frame> / items =problemitem_frame / fontstyle =("Arial", 15pt, true) / txcolor = (255, 0,0) / position = (50, 30) / select =values.problemnumber / erase = false </text>
Re. #2: I don't understand what you want to do with the timer. To simply reset it, you do
<trial showproblem> / ontrialbegin = [clock.timer.resettime(); ] ... </trial>
Re. #3: This /branch does not appear to make sense:
/ branch = [if ( trial.showproblem.response == "yes" || trial.showproblem.response =="no" && values.problem_number = 5) likert.valence]
(1) values.problem_number just replicates what you already have with values.problemnumber:
<trial starttrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.instructionnumber = list.instructionitems.nextindex ; values.problemnumber = list.problemitems.nextindex; values.cuecount = 0; text.cuestim_frame.resetselection(); picture.cuestim_stimuli.resetselection() ; list.cue_x.reset(); list.cue_y.reset(); values.points_available = 100; values.numberoftries = 0; values.problem_number = list.problemitems.nextindex ] ... </trial>
It *does not* reflect a *count* of the problems administered so far; as discussed previously, it represents the *item number* of the particular problem selected for that "round" of the game.
If you want a count, you need to implement one, i.e., you need to do
<values> / problemcount = 0 ... </values>
<trial starttrial> / ontrialbegin = [...; values.problemcount += 1] ... </trial>
Then you can /branch to your likert based on whether that count is a multiple of 5:
/ branch = [if ( trial.showproblem.response != "requestcue" && mod(values.problemcount,5)==0 ) likert.valence]
By Lucie1043 - 7/13/2016
I've been looking for a solution for ages and when I finally see it, it always looks so simple, thanks!
#2 : On the contrary, I want the timer to keep running until the participant gives his answer to the problem. At the moment, the timer resets every time I ask for a cue (<trial.givecue>).
By Dave - 7/13/2016
If you want the timer to be displayed & ticking down across all trials for a given problem, you should display it via the <block>'s /bgstim like so:
<expt> / blocks = [1-2 = problemblock] </expt>
<block problemblock> / bgstim = (timer) / trials = [1=starttrial] </block>
<clock timer> / mode = timer / timeout = values.timeout / erase = false / position = (80%, 5%) </clock>
<values> / timeout = 20000 / problemnumber = 0 / cuenumber = 0 / cuecount = 0 </values>
<trial starttrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.problemnumber = list.problemitems.nextindex; values.cuecount = 0; text.cuestim.resetselection(); list.cue_x.reset(); list.cue_y.reset();] / validresponse = (0) / branch = [trial.showproblem] / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial>
<trial showproblem> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=problemstim, hintsreceived, requestcue, solveproblem] / validresponse = (requestcue, solveproblem) / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "solveproblem") openended.entersolution] / branch = [if (trial.showproblem.response == "requestcue" && values.cuecount < 6) trial.givecue else openended.entersolution] </trial>
<trial givecue> / ontrialbegin = [values.cuecount += 1; values.cuenumber = list.cueitems.nextvalue; ] / stimulusframes = [1=cuestim] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 0 / branch = [trial.showproblem] </trial>
<openended entersolution> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, problemstim, entersolutionstim] / validresponse = (anyresponse) / correctresponse = ("solution") </openended>
<text problemstim> / items = ("Problem A", "Problem B") / erase = false / position = (50%, 10%) / select = values.problemnumber </text>
<text cuestim> / items = cueitems / erase = false / select = values.cuenumber / hposition = list.cue_x.nextvalue / vposition = list.cue_y.nextvalue </text>
<item cueitems> / 1 = "PA Cue A" / 2 = "PA Cue B" / 3 = "PA Cue C" / 4 = "PA Cue D" / 5 = "PA Cue E" / 6 = "PA Cue F" / 7 = "PA Cue G" / 8 = "PA Cue H" / 9 = "PA Cue I" / 10 = "PA Cue J" / 11 = "PA Cue K" / 12 = "PA Cue L" / 13 = "PA Cue M" / 14 = "PA Cue N" / 15 = "PA Cue O" / 16 = "PA Cue P" / 17 = "PA Cue Q" / 18 = "PA Cue R" / 19 = "PA Cue S" / 20 = "PA Cue T"
/ 21 = "PB Cue A" / 22 = "PB Cue B" / 23 = "PB Cue C" / 24 = "PB Cue D" / 25 = "PB Cue E" / 26 = "PB Cue F" / 27 = "PB Cue G" / 28 = "PB Cue H" / 29 = "PB Cue I" / 30 = "PB Cue J" / 31 = "PB Cue K" / 32 = "PB Cue L" / 33 = "PB Cue M" / 34 = "PB Cue N" / 35 = "PB Cue O" / 36 = "PB Cue P" / 37 = "PB Cue Q" / 38 = "PB Cue R" / 39 = "PB Cue S" / 40 = "PB Cue T" </item>
<text requestcue> / items = ("Give me a hint!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (35%, 85%) </text>
<text solveproblem> / items = ("I know the solution!") / txbgcolor = (grey) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / vjustify = center / position = (65%, 85%) </text>
<text entersolutionstim> / items = ("Please enter the solution:") / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<shape clearscreen> / color = (white) / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 80%) / erase = false </shape>
<list cue_x> / items = (25%, 50%, 75%, 25%, 50%, 75%) / selectionmode = sequence </list>
<list cue_y> / items = (40%, 40%, 40%, 60%, 60%, 60%) / selectionmode = list.cue_x.currentindex </list>
<text hintsreceived> / items = ("(Hints received: <%values.cuecount%>.)") / position = (50%, 15%) / erase = false </text>
<list problemitems> / poolsize = 2 </list>
//list of lists of cues pertaining to the different problems <list cueitems> / items = (list.pa_cueitems.nextvalue, list.pb_cueitems.nextvalue) / selectionmode = values.problemnumber </list>
//cue items pertaining to problem A are item numbers 1 to 20 <list pa_cueitems> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) </list>
//cue items pertaining to problem B are item numbers 21 to 40 <list pb_cueitems> / items = (21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40) </list>
By Lucie1043 - 7/14/2016
It is working great! Thanks a lot!