By Jin - 7/5/2016
Hi Dave, I tried the fix and it solved the overlapping problem, however the script does not see those answers as an valid response anymore (i.e. I can't click the next bottom to proceed to the next trial). I apologize for the re-post, but I didn't realize the original post was 6-months old. Thank you!
<surveypage practice> / caption = "Practice Question: ~r Which word best describes what the person in the picture is thinking or feeling?" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%) / questions = [1=practice; 2=prac_radio] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / finishlabel = "Next" / nextlabel = "Next" / nextbuttonposition = (46%, 82%) </surveypage>
<radiobuttons prac_radio> / correctresponse = ("panicked~t") / options = ("hateful~t", "jealous~t", "full of himself", "panicked~t") / order = random / validresponse = ("hateful~t", "jealous~t", "full of himself", "panicked~t") / position = (44.5%, 65%) / orientation = vertical / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 3%) </radiobuttons>
<image practice> / items = ("prac.png") / position = (19%, 20%) / imagesize = (110%, 110%) </image>
By Dave - 7/5/2016
You'll want to make use of the /optionvalues attribute to get rid of the "tab" character in the responses like so:
<radiobuttons prac_radio> / correctresponse = ("panicked") / options = ("hateful~t", "jealous~t", "full of himself", "panicked~t") / optionvalues = ("hateful", "jealous", "full of himself", "panicked") / order = random / validresponse = ("hateful", "jealous", "full of himself", "panicked") / position = (44.5%, 65%) / orientation = vertical / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 3%) </radiobuttons>
By Jin - 7/5/2016
Thank you for your fast response Dave!
By EmmaB - 10/19/2016
Hi, I have a similar problem with overlapping radiobutton responses. Unfortunately, the tab-solution does not seem to work (at least it still overlaps for some orders). Anything you can spot in my code that is wrong? Or any ideas how I can solve this?
<radiobuttons scenario_hotel> /caption="Welches der drei Hotels würden Sie buchen?" /options=("direkt am Strand, eher teuer~t","in einem Ort ohne Strand, preisgünstig~t", "in einem Ort mit Strand, mittlere Preisklasse~t") /optionvalues=("direkt", "ohne", "mittel") /order = random /fontstyle = ("Verdana", -28) </radiobuttons>
<surveypage scenario_hotel> /questions=[1=scenario_hotel] / showquestionnumbers = false /nextbuttonposition = (80,91) / finishlabel = "weiter" / nextlabel = "weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
By Dave - 10/20/2016
You'll want to enforce greater spacing between the options by including linebreaks in the options:
<radiobuttons scenario_hotel> /caption="Welches der drei Hotels würden Sie buchen?" /options=("~ndirekt am Strand, eher teuer~n","~nin einem Ort ohne Strand, preisgünstig~n", "~nin einem Ort mit Strand, mittlere Preisklasse~n") /optionvalues=("direkt", "ohne", "mittel") /order = random /fontstyle = ("Verdana", -28) </radiobuttons>
<surveypage scenario_hotel> /questions=[1=scenario_hotel] / showquestionnumbers = false /nextbuttonposition = (80,91) / finishlabel = "weiter" / nextlabel = "weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>