Millisecond Forums

answer feedback

By tecnika - 7/31/2016


In this task I ask participant to input a segment to complete a word (after three sentences are presented).
I would like to give them a feedback of their current response after a fragmented word is presentd (e.g. Block1_segment = "h-nds", if the subject respond "u", I would like to present them a text like "Your answered "u", the correct word is "hand". Your unswer is UNCORRECT). The same for the response to the question. the list of correct segments is in <item Block1_FB_segment>, the list for correct response to the question is <item Block1_correctResponse>.

As <item Block1_correctResponse> , I would like to use left and right arrows rather than 1 and 3. I read in the forum that they are 203 and 206, but I don't know how to recall them, for instance in the list of correct answers.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


By Dave - 7/31/2016

#1: If you want to provide feedback along the lines of "You answered [the letter that was typed]", you need to use an <openended> element -- not a regular <trial> --. to collect the response.

#2: You need to use /iscorrectresponse -- NOT /correctresponse -- to evaluate the response correctness.

#3: As for the arrow keys, you simply use their scancodes, which you already know: 203 and 205 respectively.