By imxwang - 8/4/2016
Hi, I'm trying to program a task where a person has to continuously rate their heartrate speed as they are watching a video.
This means that there is no defined # of responses (a person can give unlimited responses). This means that there has to be a scale that appears underneath the video and the responses don't interrupt the playing of the video.
Is this possible using Inquisit?
Thanks! --I
By Dave - 8/4/2016
Yes, this should be possible.
Play back the video via a <block>'s /bgstim. Set the <block>'s /timeout to the length of the video. Then, simply run a rating trial in an infinite loop. In a nutshell:
<block myblock> / bgstim = (myvideo) / timeout = 30000 / trials = [1=ratingtrial] </block>
<video myvideo> / items = ("example.mpg") / size = (50%, 50%) </video>
<likert ratingtrial> / anchors = [1="slow"; 5="fast"] / position = (50%, 90%) / numpoints = 5 / anchorwidth = 5% / branch = [likert.ratingtrial] </likert>