Millisecond Forums

Textbox to advance experiment

By saudrain - 8/8/2016

I'm having some issues getting my textbox to function properly. My experiment has multiple waves, so I want the starting page of my experiment to be a simple welcome page with a textbox to input the user's email address (used as an identifier), which is required to continue. I have created this page and it looks good, but when I enter something into the textbox and press the "continue" button, nothing happens. i.e. I can't advance to the rest of my experiment beyond the welcome page. 

I have tried: 
<text startpage>
/items= ("

Welcome! Please enter your email address to get started.")
/ hjustify=center
/ valign=center
/ size =(1200,750)
/ fontstyle=("Arial", 4%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<openended enter>
/ range= (10000, 20001)
/ position= (50,50)
/ stimulusframes= [
/ linelength= 40
/ validresponse= (anyresponse)

<block enter>
/ trials = [

/ blocks = [
1=enter; 2=instruct; 3=recognitiontest; 4=codegeneration]
/ postinstructions=(page.end)

And I have also tried: 
<surveypage enter>
/ caption="Welcome! Please enter your email address to get started."
/ questions=[

<textbox enter>
/ range= (10000, 20001)
/ position= (50,50)

But I get the same problem either way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! (And if more information is needed please let me know!)

By Dave - 8/8/2016

The /range attributes you specified

/ range= (10000, 20001)

limit the valid inputs to numbers between 10000 and 20001. If you want to have an email address accepted as valid input, you should (1) remove the /range attribute(s) and specify /mask = emailaddress instead.

<openended enter>
/ mask = emailaddress
/ position= (50,50)
/ stimulusframes= [
/ linelength= 40
/ validresponse= (anyresponse)
By saudrain - 8/9/2016

Ah yes, makes sense. Thanks for your help!!