Millisecond Forums

likert scales and smileys

By Benne - 8/10/2016


is it possible to use images of smileys as button values or even as anchors in a likert scale? I use digits at the moment (see below), but smileys would be nice for subjects at a younger age. 

<likert f_h1>
/ anchors = [1="sehr enttäuscht";2="enttäuscht";3="ein bisschen enttäuscht";4="weder noch";5="ein bisschen zufrieden";6="zufrieden";7="sehr zufrieden"]
/ frames = [1 = Emotion]
/ anchorwidth = 220px
/ buttonvalues = [1="-3"; 2="-2"; 3="-1"; 4="0"; 5="+1"; 6="+2"; 7="+3"]
/ mouse=true
/ numframes=1
/ numpoints=7
/ position= (50, 60)

<picture smiley_pos>
/ items = ("pos.jpg")

<picture smiley_neg>
/ items = ("neg.jpg")

So far i tried different approaches within /buttonvalues, [e.g. 1= smiley_pos], but it seems to me that inquisit accepts only string values. 

Thank you,

By Dave - 8/11/2016

Yes, you can do that. But you will have to build your likert scale using standard <trial>, <text> and <picture> elements instead of <likert>.

See this example: