By jmwotw - 9/6/2016
I'm having trouble adjusting a radio button so that the whole text fits in. The size attribute seems not to work, as it doesn't change anything when I change the parameters.
<radiobuttons radiobutton_1_1> / caption = "Acceptable Responses" / options = ("WRONG", "<%values.option1%>") / position = (1%, 1%) / size = (400px, 800px) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 36, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
I've tried using percentages and pixels, but neither works. Every time, this is what I get:

I've attached working code to demonstrate.
By Dave - 9/7/2016
The best strategy here is to force greater spacing between the response options by including some new lines (~n):
<radiobuttons radiobutton_1_1> / caption = "Acceptable Responses" / options = ("~nWRONG~n", "~n<%values.option1%>~n") / position = (1%, 1%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 36) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
By jmwotw - 9/7/2016
That worked like a charm! Thanks!