Millisecond Forums

Error- File Not Found

By Reshan - 9/15/2016


I am trying to run a script with 53 files attached (although it does not exceed the 40 MB limit). 
When I run it on the Inquisit on my computer it runs fine, however when I try to upload it and run it using the link, errors appear
indicating it cannot find the file pathway. 

Could you possibly think of the cause of this? (There are also warnings that the dimensions of the file image is larger than the screen, however
since the script resizes the image, I don't think that should be the problem). 

I really appreciate any help!

Have a great weekend! 
By Dave - 9/16/2016

As far as I can see, the problem here is that your files contain characters in their names that are unsafe to use online / in URLs. Specifically, the issue is the plus-sign ("+"), as in "mikulas_trust_+050.jpg" and so forth.

To make your script safe for web-use, replace the "+" in both the file names and the respective file references in the script, i.e., rename

"mikulas_trust_+050.jpg" to e.g. "mikulas_trust_plus050.jpg" and change

<picture nontwface2leftgap2>
/ items = ("mikulas_trust_-100.jpg", "mikulas_trust_-050.jpg", "mikulas_trust_plus000.jpg", "mikulas_trust_plus050.jpg")

accordingly .

(For consistency reasons, I would do the same for the minus-sign, although "-" is not an unsafe character.)

Hope this helps.