By Yevhen - 9/19/2016
Hi everyone,
We are going to launch the Sexuality IATs relatively soon for our LGBT research project.
I have downloaded the original script file from A test logic presupposes to use Images as Target Stimulus and Words as Attributes Stimulus.
However, we might consider an option to use images along with words for Target Stimulus. I have tried to add the <text TargetA/B> tag after the <picture TargetA/B> in Stimulus section, but got this error - "<text targetB> is defined more than once."
It seems that a script interpreter defines the Target stimulus with the same name only ones. Is there a chance I might bypass this issue? A simple logic tells me to add another Text Targets and defines them in Trials section. However, I am a little bit concerned with spoiling test methodology.
Does any one have any thoughts? Or maybe confronted the same issue?
By Dave - 9/20/2016
Elements of the same *type* must have unique names. Here the type is "stimulus":
Suppose you have
<text a> ... </text>
<picture a> ... </picture>
<trial sometrial> / stimulusframes = [1=a] ... </trial>
How is the trial supposed to know whether you want it to display the <text> or the <picture> element if both have the same name?
As for mixing text and image stimuli in an IAT, the least amount of effort is to simply use <picture> stimuli throughout and simply have images displaying your words:
By Dave - 9/20/2016
Another option is to use <list> elements in /stimulusframes to have the target <trial>s display either a <text> or <picture> stimulus. Suppose you have three "target A" image-items and 5 "target A" text-items.
<item targetApics> /1 = "flower1.jpg" /2 = "flower2.jpg" /3 = "flower3.jpg" </item>
<item targetAtxts> /1 = "flower text item 1" /2 = "flower text item 2" /3 = "flower text item 3" /4 = "flower text item 4" /5 = "flower text item 5" </item>
<picture targetApic> / items = targetApics / size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<text targetAtxt> / items = targetAtxts / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) / txcolor = white </text>
You'd then set up a list like so:
<list targetA> / items = (picture.targetApic, picture.targetApic, picture.targetApic, text.targetAtxt, text.targetAtxt, text.targetAtxt, text.targetAtxt, text.targetAtxt) / resetinterval = 1 </list>
and set the target A trials' /stimulusframes to select from that list:
<trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = list.targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = list.targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
(Full example attached).