Millisecond Forums

Problem with surveypage

By abhi - 9/20/2016


This is my code-

<surveypage RB1>
/ itemspacing = 10%
/ caption = "You are hearing ............................."
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ stimulustimes = [80,        1200,    1360,    1520,    1680,    1840,    2000,    2160,    2320,    2480,    2640,    2800,    2960,    3120,    3280,    3440,    3600,    3760,    3920,    4080,    4240,    4400,    4560,    4720,    4880,    5040= sequence (sound2)]
/ questions = [1= slider1; 2=slider2]
/ skip = [dropdown.agreement.response == "I do NOT agree to participate in this study"]
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ finishlabel="Continue"
/ nextbuttonposition = (75%,80%)
/ response =  correct
/ recorddata = true

My problem is that I want people to respond any time in the sequence presentation and move on to next surveypage . But when I use beginresponsetime = 0 or beginresponseframe = 10 still am not able to do so.

Can it be done using values ?

How can it be done ?


By Dave - 9/20/2016

Why don't you do

<video sound2>
/ items = ("sound2.mp3")
/ loop = true
/playthrough = false

<surveypage RB1>
/ stimulustimes = [0=sound2]

By abhi - 9/20/2016

Thanks Dave.

I will try this . But the problem I find with loop is that the repetition is very fast,  sometimes annoying ( can I present sound , break, sound ,break .. in a loop ;i.e. loop of  sound and a pause)

whereas in sound element I can control for that.

Is there any other way I can let participant respond anytime within the sequence without using video elemeent.
By Dave - 9/20/2016

The best alternative I can think of is to have a single audio file that contains the sound X times (with silence in between) and just play that once.