Millisecond Forums

Implementing a Response Window in Inquisit

By Sean_Hughes - 10/6/2016

     Two quick questions: 

1. Is it possible to implement a response window/deadline within Inquisit? If so, can you provide a code snippet that illustrates how to do so? 

2. Is it possible to prevent the participant from emitting any response on a given trial (e.g., if they press the spacebar then nothing happens - the trial proceeds as normal)?

Thanks for the help!

By Dave - 10/6/2016

> 1. Is it possible to implement a response window/deadline within Inquisit? If so, can you provide a code snippet that illustrates how to do
> so?

See the documentation for the <trial> element's /timeout, /trialduration and/or /beginresponsetime attributes. Also see the "How to Control Trial Duration and Inter-Trial Intervals" in the documentation's how-to section. A forum search will return numerous sxamples using /timeout and/or  /trialduration.

> 2. Is it possible to prevent the participant from emitting any response on a given trial (e.g., if they press the spacebar then nothing
> happens > - the trial proceeds as normal)?

If you don't want a trial to accept any response you specify

/ validresponse = (0)

You also need to specify either a /timeout or /trialduration for said <trial>, otherwise it would never end.