Millisecond Forums


By Blauringkrake - 11/21/2016

Hi there!

I have a question to the likertscala: Is it possible to change the backgroundcolor from the likertscala? I have changed the defaults to have a grey sreen. Now it would be fine also to have a grey backgorung at my likertscala, because otherwise
my pictures, which i´m presenting are influenced by the white background of the scala.

<likert lightness>
/ anchors = [1="dunkel"; 7="hell"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = patches, questionlight]
/ mouse=false
/ numpoints=7
/ position= (50, 96)

<defaults >
/ screencolor = #808080
/ txbgcolor = #808080

thanks a lot,

By Dave - 11/21/2016

Blauringkrake - Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Hi there!

I have a question to the likertscala: Is it possible to change the backgroundcolor from the likertscala? I have changed the defaults to have a grey sreen. Now it would be fine also to have a grey backgorung at my likertscala, because otherwise
my pictures, which i´m presenting are influenced by the white background of the scala.

<likert lightness>
/ anchors = [1="dunkel"; 7="hell"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = patches, questionlight]
/ mouse=false
/ numpoints=7
/ position= (50, 96)

<defaults >
/ screencolor = #808080
/ txbgcolor = #808080

thanks a lot,

No, that is not possible to change, I'm afraid.
By Blauringkrake - 11/23/2016

Dave - Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Blauringkrake - Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Hi there!

I have a question to the likertscala: Is it possible to change the backgroundcolor from the likertscala? I have changed the defaults to have a grey sreen. Now it would be fine also to have a grey backgorung at my likertscala, because otherwise
my pictures, which i´m presenting are influenced by the white background of the scala.

<likert lightness>
/ anchors = [1="dunkel"; 7="hell"]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = patches, questionlight]
/ mouse=false
/ numpoints=7
/ position= (50, 96)

<defaults >
/ screencolor = #808080
/ txbgcolor = #808080

thanks a lot,

No, that is not possible to change, I'm afraid.

ok, thx