By - 11/27/2016
I am creating an experiment with an intertrial interval of a random interval and would like my stimuli to be sandwiched between a fixation cross. That is, I would like the fixation cross to be presented during the intertrial interval though the ITI is a blank white screen. Is there a way I can present the fixation cross during the postrial pause? I have copied/pasted my code in for your reference. Thank you for your help.
<trial WAfaceitems> / ontrialbegin = [values.category = "WAfaceitems"] / ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.wafaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulustimes = [0 = Wafaceitems, wafaceitemtrigger; 50= triggeroff; 700 = shape.eraser; 701 = fixationcross] / timeout = 1201
/ posttrialpause = rand(values.iti_min, values.iti_max) /validresponse = (0) </trial>
By Dave - 11/27/2016
+xHello, I am creating an experiment with an intertrial interval of a random interval and would like my stimuli to be sandwiched between a fixation cross. That is, I would like the fixation cross to be presented during the intertrial interval though the ITI is a blank white screen. Is there a way I can present the fixation cross during the postrial pause? I have copied/pasted my code in for your reference. Thank you for your help. <trial WAfaceitems> / ontrialbegin = [values.category = "WAfaceitems"] / ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.wafaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulustimes = [0 = Wafaceitems, wafaceitemtrigger; 50= triggeroff; 700 = shape.eraser; 701 = fixationcross] / timeout = 1201 / posttrialpause = rand(values.iti_min, values.iti_max) /validresponse = (0) </trial> If you want the fixation cross on-screen during the posttrialpause, you need to set the "fixationcross" stimulus's /erase attribute to 'false'.
<text fixationcross> / items = ("+") / erase = false </text>
By - 11/28/2016
+x+xHello, I am creating an experiment with an intertrial interval of a random interval and would like my stimuli to be sandwiched between a fixation cross. That is, I would like the fixation cross to be presented during the intertrial interval though the ITI is a blank white screen. Is there a way I can present the fixation cross during the postrial pause? I have copied/pasted my code in for your reference. Thank you for your help. <trial WAfaceitems> / ontrialbegin = [values.category = "WAfaceitems"] / ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.wafaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulustimes = [0 = Wafaceitems, wafaceitemtrigger; 50= triggeroff; 700 = shape.eraser; 701 = fixationcross] / timeout = 1201 / posttrialpause = rand(values.iti_min, values.iti_max) /validresponse = (0) </trial> If you want the fixation cross on-screen during the posttrialpause, you need to set the "fixationcross" stimulus's /erase attribute to 'false'. <text fixationcross> / items = ("+") / erase = false </text>
Thank you for your response. I have added in the erase element though the fixation cross is still not presented during the post-trial pause. Instead, the post-trial pause is still a blank screen. <text fixationcross> / items = ("+") / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 9.38%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false </text>
Is there a way to add a background image that gets erased when the stimuli are presented?
By Dave - 11/28/2016
+x+x+xHello, I am creating an experiment with an intertrial interval of a random interval and would like my stimuli to be sandwiched between a fixation cross. That is, I would like the fixation cross to be presented during the intertrial interval though the ITI is a blank white screen. Is there a way I can present the fixation cross during the postrial pause? I have copied/pasted my code in for your reference. Thank you for your help. <trial WAfaceitems> / ontrialbegin = [values.category = "WAfaceitems"] / ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.wafaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulustimes = [0 = Wafaceitems, wafaceitemtrigger; 50= triggeroff; 700 = shape.eraser; 701 = fixationcross] / timeout = 1201 / posttrialpause = rand(values.iti_min, values.iti_max) /validresponse = (0) </trial> If you want the fixation cross on-screen during the posttrialpause, you need to set the "fixationcross" stimulus's /erase attribute to 'false'. <text fixationcross> / items = ("+") / erase = false </text> Thank you for your response. I have added in the erase element though the fixation cross is still not presented during the post-trial pause. Instead, the post-trial pause is still a blank screen. <text fixationcross> / items = ("+") / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 9.38%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false </text> Is there a way to add a background image that gets erased when the stimuli are presented? > the post-trial pause is still a blank screen.
This means that there are other stimuli presented during the trial that (1) inhabit the same position as the fixationcross stimulus, and (2) are not set to /erase = false. Meaning: In the process of erasing those stimuli, the fixation cross gets erased as well. Note that "erasing" a stimulus simply means overwriting it with the default screen color (or an explicitly specified color in the respective stimulus element's /erase attribute). Double-check the /erase settings for all (visual) stimulus elements presented by the <trial>. Make sure they are all set to false. Crucially, do not forget to set <shape eraser>'s /erase attribute to false as well.