Millisecond Forums

Unable to initialize item number 0.

By Expra2 - 11/27/2016

Dear all,
we just uploaded our script (partly posted below) to the web application toconduct a follow up test with our subjects. The scripts work flawlessly when werun them offline but in the online version our script produces this error:

Error    /myaccount/scripts/XXXX/Gesamt_WZ_zuerst/Gesamt_WZ_zuerst.iqx.picture.Cuepraesentieren

Unable toinitialize item number 0. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.

Does anyoneknow, why this error occurs and how to fix it?

Code of thebatch file:



/file ="VP_Code.iqx"

/file = "Instruktionen.iqx"

/file = "WZ_Bedingung.iqx"

/file = "ZZ_Bedingung.iqx"

/file = "Mailliste.iqx"


Code of the script:
















/14= "14_1.jpg"

/15= "15_1.jpg"



<item BilderWZCue2>

/1= "1_2.jpg"

/2= "2_2.jpg"

/3= "3_2.jpg"

/4= "4_2.jpg"

/5= "5_2.jpg"

/6= "6_2.jpg"

/7= "7_2.jpg"

/8= "8_2.jpg"

/9= "9_2.jpg"

/10= "10_2.jpg"

/11= "11_2.jpg"

/12= "12_2.jpg"

/13= "13_2.jpg"

/14= "14_2.jpg"

/15= "15_2.jpg"



<item BilderDis>

/1= "1_2.jpg"

/2= "2_2.jpg"

/3= "3_2.jpg"

/4= "4_2.jpg"

/5= "5_2.jpg"

/6= "6_2.jpg"

/7= "7_2.jpg"

/8= "8_2.jpg"

/9= "9_2.jpg"

/10= "10_2.jpg"

/11= "11_2.jpg"

/12= "12_2.jpg"

/13= "13_2.jpg"

/14= "14_2.jpg"

/15= "15_2.jpg"




<picture BilderWZCue1>

/items = BilderWZCue1

/select = noreplace

/position =(20 ,40)

/ size =(300,300)



Position derAntwortmöglichkeiten: vertikale Positionen randomisiert variiert

<list randomvpos>

/items = (10%, 35%, 60%, 85%)

/selectionrate = always



<picture korrekteAntwort>

/items = BilderWZCue2

/select = picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex

/vposition = values.korrektvpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<counter picselector>

/select = noreplacenorepeat(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

/selectionrate = always

/allowrepeats = false



<picture Distraktor2>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor2vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<picture Distraktor3>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor3vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<picture Distraktor4>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor4vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<list Liste1>





/items = BilderWZCue1

/select = list.Liste1

/position = (20 ,50)

/size = (300,300)


<item Auswahlmglkt>

/1 ="1."

/2 ="2."

/3 ="3."

/4 ="4."




/1 ="Wähle den zugehörigen Paarling aus!"



<counter picselector2>

/select = sequence(1,2,3,4)

/selectionrate =always



<text 1>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,10)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 2>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,35)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 3>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,60)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 4>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,85)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text Text>

/items = Text

/ select = noreplace

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30)

/position = (20,10)



<trial Präsentation>

/stimulustimes = [0=BilderWZCue1]

/timeout = 0

/recorddata = false




/ korrektvpos = 0

/distraktor2vpos = 0

/distraktor3vpos = 0

/distraktor4vpos = 0

/korrektetaste = 0




<trial Präsentation2>

/ontrialbegin =[item.BilderDis.removeitem(picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex)]

/ontrialbegin = [list.Liste1.appenditem(picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex)]

/ ontrialbegin = [

    values.korrektvpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor2vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor3vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor4vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;


/ ontrialbegin = [

    if (values.korrektvpos == 10%)values.korrektetaste = 2

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==35%) values.korrektetaste = 3

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==60%) values.korrektetaste = 4

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==85%) values.korrektetaste = 5


/stimulustimes= [0=Cuepräsentieren, korrekteAntwort, Distraktor2, Distraktor3, Distraktor4,1, 2, 3, 4, Text]

/ inputdevice = keyboard

/ validresponse = ("1", "2", "3","4")

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.Präsentation2.response ==values.korrektetaste]

/ontrialend = [item.BilderDis.reset()]

/ontrialend = [list.Liste1.reset()]




/ preinstructions= (Instruktion1)

/trials =[1-15 = sequence(Präsentation, Präsentation2)]




Nun folgendie Kombinationen aus Wort und Zeichen.




By Dave - 11/27/2016

Expra2 - Monday, November 28, 2016

Dear all,
we just uploaded our script (partly posted below) to the web application toconduct a follow up test with our subjects. The scripts work flawlessly when werun them offline but in the online version our script produces this error:

Error    /myaccount/scripts/XXXX/Gesamt_WZ_zuerst/Gesamt_WZ_zuerst.iqx.picture.Cuepraesentieren

Unable toinitialize item number 0. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.

Does anyoneknow, why this error occurs and how to fix it?

Code of thebatch file:



/file ="VP_Code.iqx"

/file = "Instruktionen.iqx"

/file = "WZ_Bedingung.iqx"

/file = "ZZ_Bedingung.iqx"

/file = "Mailliste.iqx"


Code of the script:
















/14= "14_1.jpg"

/15= "15_1.jpg"



<item BilderWZCue2>

/1= "1_2.jpg"

/2= "2_2.jpg"

/3= "3_2.jpg"

/4= "4_2.jpg"

/5= "5_2.jpg"

/6= "6_2.jpg"

/7= "7_2.jpg"

/8= "8_2.jpg"

/9= "9_2.jpg"

/10= "10_2.jpg"

/11= "11_2.jpg"

/12= "12_2.jpg"

/13= "13_2.jpg"

/14= "14_2.jpg"

/15= "15_2.jpg"



<item BilderDis>

/1= "1_2.jpg"

/2= "2_2.jpg"

/3= "3_2.jpg"

/4= "4_2.jpg"

/5= "5_2.jpg"

/6= "6_2.jpg"

/7= "7_2.jpg"

/8= "8_2.jpg"

/9= "9_2.jpg"

/10= "10_2.jpg"

/11= "11_2.jpg"

/12= "12_2.jpg"

/13= "13_2.jpg"

/14= "14_2.jpg"

/15= "15_2.jpg"




<picture BilderWZCue1>

/items = BilderWZCue1

/select = noreplace

/position =(20 ,40)

/ size =(300,300)



Position derAntwortmöglichkeiten: vertikale Positionen randomisiert variiert

<list randomvpos>

/items = (10%, 35%, 60%, 85%)

/selectionrate = always



<picture korrekteAntwort>

/items = BilderWZCue2

/select = picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex

/vposition = values.korrektvpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<counter picselector>

/select = noreplacenorepeat(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

/selectionrate = always

/allowrepeats = false



<picture Distraktor2>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor2vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<picture Distraktor3>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor3vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<picture Distraktor4>

/items = BilderDis

/select = picselector

/vposition = values.distraktor4vpos

/ size = (300,300)

/ hposition = 60



<list Liste1>





/items = BilderWZCue1

/select = list.Liste1

/position = (20 ,50)

/size = (300,300)


<item Auswahlmglkt>

/1 ="1."

/2 ="2."

/3 ="3."

/4 ="4."




/1 ="Wähle den zugehörigen Paarling aus!"



<counter picselector2>

/select = sequence(1,2,3,4)

/selectionrate =always



<text 1>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,10)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 2>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,35)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 3>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,60)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text 4>

/items = Auswahlmglkt

/select = picselector2

/ position = (50,85)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial",40)



<text Text>

/items = Text

/ select = noreplace

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30)

/position = (20,10)



<trial Präsentation>

/stimulustimes = [0=BilderWZCue1]

/timeout = 0

/recorddata = false




/ korrektvpos = 0

/distraktor2vpos = 0

/distraktor3vpos = 0

/distraktor4vpos = 0

/korrektetaste = 0




<trial Präsentation2>

/ontrialbegin =[item.BilderDis.removeitem(picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex)]

/ontrialbegin = [list.Liste1.appenditem(picture.BilderWZCue1.currentindex)]

/ ontrialbegin = [

    values.korrektvpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor2vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor3vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;

    values.distraktor4vpos =list.randomvpos.nextvalue;


/ ontrialbegin = [

    if (values.korrektvpos == 10%)values.korrektetaste = 2

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==35%) values.korrektetaste = 3

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==60%) values.korrektetaste = 4

    else if (values.korrektvpos ==85%) values.korrektetaste = 5


/stimulustimes= [0=Cuepräsentieren, korrekteAntwort, Distraktor2, Distraktor3, Distraktor4,1, 2, 3, 4, Text]

/ inputdevice = keyboard

/ validresponse = ("1", "2", "3","4")

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.Präsentation2.response ==values.korrektetaste]

/ontrialend = [item.BilderDis.reset()]

/ontrialend = [list.Liste1.reset()]




/ preinstructions= (Instruktion1)

/trials =[1-15 = sequence(Präsentation, Präsentation2)]




Nun folgendie Kombinationen aus Wort und Zeichen.




Could you please post the link to the experiment's launch page?
By Expra2 - 11/28/2016

Here you go!
By Dave - 11/28/2016

Expra2 - Monday, November 28, 2016

That link can't be right. It gives a 404 / page not found.
By Expra2 - 11/28/2016

My colleague might have taken it down for a few minutes - should be up and running now - the link works fine for me!
By Dave - 11/28/2016

Expra2 - Monday, November 28, 2016
My colleague might have taken it down for a few minutes - should be up and running now - the link works fine for me!

Okay, thanks. Here's the problem. The scripts will run under Inquisit 5 (both Lab and Web). You are administering them under Inquisit 4 Web, however. There are some subtle differences in syntax -- Inquisit 5-compliant syntax will not necessarily work under Inquisit 4. (Inquisit 4-compliant syntax will run under Inquisit 5, however.)

The problem boils down to how you use <list>s. Inquisit 4 is stricter in this regard, which ultimately leads to the error. In the future, please make sure you design and test your experiments using the Inquisit version you are ultimately going to use to administer them with, i.e., if you have access to Inquisit 4 Web, use Inquisit 4 Lab to design any scripts.

I've attached revisions of "wz_bedingung.iqx" and "zz_bedingung.iqx" which will function under Inquisit 4. Replace the currently deployed scripts with those and run a few tests to ensure that things work as intended.
By Expra2 - 12/1/2016

Cheers! You rescued us again!