Millisecond Forums

Can I add a flash game in my experiment?

By himandy - 10/3/2008

During my experiment, I need participants to play a small game. Can I make it with Inquisit 2.0?

the file type of flash is *.swf.


By Dave - 10/3/2008

You definitely can with Inquisit 3 - I also think Inquisit 2 can handle this (but I'm not 100% sure). But hey, just try it. The most important thing to be aware of is that you'll need to use the <video> element to embed your flash file. Actually, there's a sample available here that also contains a flash animation. Check it out.

By himandy - 10/5/2008

Thanks, Dave. It works!

By the way, I have another question. Can participants decide how many trials they run on their own?

For instance, if participants want to play again, they click one button, and the trial runs again (because I want to record the latency of the trial too). And if participants want to stop the game, they click another button, and the game block comes to an end.

Is there any command or sample script similar to this function?

By himandy - 10/5/2008

oh, I found it in the welcome sample. thanks
By himandy - 10/6/2008

What can I do, if I want participants to click one buttom to play again the flash game in another trial, and not clicking the "replay" within the flash game to play in the same trial?

I can creat the next-trial buttom, but I can't hold the flash inactive after participants have run one round of the game. Is there any script to make the flash inactive? During the game, participants should keep pressing down the mouse key. When they press down the key, the game begins, and when they release, the game stops and shows the latency. Can Inquisit detect these changes? If yes, I can mask the flash at that time.

By Dave - 10/6/2008

As far as I know, there's no way for Inquisit to access the information provided by the flash applet. Regarding the other questions, I'd recommed to modify the flash game itself to not offer a replay option. You can then use Inquisit's branching features to let participants decide to either play the game again or to advance to the next part of your experiment.

Hope this helps,
By himandy - 10/7/2008

Thanks, I agree that I have to modify the flash game without a replay option. I am trying.
By Dave - 10/8/2008

Good luck. Let me know how things turn out.

By himandy - 10/8/2008

Thanks, Dave.

I transfered the *.swf game back into *.fla, and used Macromedia Flash to delete the replay option. Finally, I retransfered it into *.swf.

I added two <text> as responds for the game playing trial, naming "Next task" and "Play again". And with <vedio> and "/ responsetrial" in <trial>, our participants can play the game as many times as they want now. The latency data are recorded as a new trial for each time.
By Dave - 10/9/2008

Thanks for posting the update. It's good to see it's working for you now. Good luck with your research!
