Millisecond Forums

Save link where the participant came from

By carolin.m - 2/15/2017


my participants will be redirected from a questionnaire to a SC-IAT. In order to relate the results from the questionnaire with the results from the SC-IAT, I would like to safe the link which includes a unique participantnumber in the SC-IAT output.

Is there any possibility to do that?

Thanks in advance and best wishes,
Carolin Muschalik
By Dave - 2/15/2017

carolin.m - Thursday, February 16, 2017

my participants will be redirected from a questionnaire to a SC-IAT. In order to relate the results from the questionnaire with the results from the SC-IAT, I would like to safe the link which includes a unique participantnumber in the SC-IAT output.

Is there any possibility to do that?

Thanks in advance and best wishes,
Carolin Muschalik

You'll want to forward the survey's unique participant ID via a query parameter to the Inquisit launch page and then have the launch page read that ID and use it as the subject ID in the Inquisit scripts. See: , specifically the "Sending Subject IDs from 3rd Party Site to Inquisit" section.
By carolin.m - 2/16/2017

Yes, indeed!

Great! Thanks a lot!