Millisecond Forums

textboy size not adjustable?

By JuliaNo - 2/20/2017

Hi, I am using the textbox element and want to make the box bigger, so that users can enter a longer answer if they want to. It is part of a longer list of questions, so I am integrating the textbox element in a surveypage. However, using the /size or /maxchars attributes does not change the size of the textbox, nor the number of characters the user can enter. What do I do about this?

<textbox WhatAbout>
/caption = "What do you think this experiment is about?"
/size = (250,150)
/ maxchars = 500
/ required = false

<surveypage demographics2>
/caption = "Please answer the following questions"
/ questions = [1=WhatAbout]

<block EndQuestions>
/ trials = [1=IdentificationOwnCountry; 2= IdentificationOwnCountry2; 3=IdentificationEurope1; 4=IdentificationEurope2; 5= IntExperience1; 6=IntExperience2; 7=demographics; 8=demographics2]
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

By Dave - 2/20/2017

JuliaNo - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Hi, I am using the textbox element and want to make the box bigger, so that users can enter a longer answer if they want to. It is part of a longer list of questions, so I am integrating the textbox element in a surveypage. However, using the /size or /maxchars attributes does not change the size of the textbox, nor the number of characters the user can enter. What do I do about this?

<textbox WhatAbout>
/caption = "What do you think this experiment is about?"
/size = (250,150)
/ maxchars = 500
/ required = false

<surveypage demographics2>
/caption = "Please answer the following questions"
/ questions = [1=WhatAbout]

<block EndQuestions>
/ trials = [1=IdentificationOwnCountry; 2= IdentificationOwnCountry2; 3=IdentificationEurope1; 4=IdentificationEurope2; 5= IntExperience1; 6=IntExperience2; 7=demographics; 8=demographics2]
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

The attribute to use is /textboxsize, not /size.

<textbox mytextbox>
/ caption = "Write something"
/ textboxsize = (40%, 50%)

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]