Millisecond Forums

User ability to manipulate other Data files

By Connorrr - 2/21/2017


I am the Account Admin for a Department wide Web and Lab licence and I was wondering if it is possible to make specific Web Data files and logs only available to specific users?  Ideally I'd like to make it so that Users who upload a task are the only ones who can access or delete the Data/Log files associated with that Task.

By Dave - 2/21/2017

Connorrr - Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I am the Account Admin for a Department wide Web and Lab licence and I was wondering if it is possible to make specific Web Data files and logs only available to specific users?  Ideally I'd like to make it so that Users who upload a task are the only ones who can access or delete the Data/Log files associated with that Task.


If you give someone a "User" role, s/he will not be able to access other account users' data files.

The various privileges associated with the available roles are detailed at

and I'm including them below as well. You, in your "Site Admin" role, are also able to create entirely *separate* accounts for different users under the license via

Users of one account under the site license do not have access to any data, scripts or logs of any other account under the site license.