Millisecond Forums

Iowa Gambling task - Inquisit 3

By Marco - 2/28/2017

I am trying to access the Iowa gambling task, and currently have inquisit 3. The dropdown shows a download option for Inquisit 3, but when I select this it doesn't download! Only 4 and 5 download, but 3 will not run these.... any advice on how I can access this task?
By Dave - 3/1/2017

Marco - Wednesday, March 1, 2017
I am trying to access the Iowa gambling task, and currently have inquisit 3. The dropdown shows a download option for Inquisit 3, but when I select this it doesn't download! Only 4 and 5 download, but 3 will not run these.... any advice on how I can access this task?

Sorry about that. Here's a fixed link: