Millisecond Forums

Analysing likertscala

By Blauringkrake - 3/13/2017

Hi all!
I want to analyse two likertscales and korrelate them. (7-point ratingscale, 18 trials with randomized stimuli from a pool with different 16 stimuli, N=36)  What are the steps i have to do?
How should the dataset be structured?

Thx a lot!!!!!!! :)
By Dave - 3/13/2017

Blauringkrake - Monday, March 13, 2017
Hi all!
I want to analyse two likertscales and korrelate them. (7-point ratingscale, 18 trials with randomized stimuli from a pool with different 16 stimuli, N=36)  What are the steps i have to do?
How should the dataset be structured?

Thx a lot!!!!!!! :)

The steps to prepare your dataset for analysis would be the same as for any kind of data in "long format." See e.g.

- Lacroix & Giguère (2006) available at


