Millisecond Forums

'blowing stimulus up' after participant responds

By ErikM - 10/21/2008

Hey inquisit users,

I'm trying to program a categorization task where participants have to press either one of two buttons depending on the color of the the (text) stimulus. When participants press the correct button I'd like the text to blow up (grow, become bigger) or shrink depending on the (correct) response.

What would be the easiest way to do this?

Thanks in advance for your response!

By Dave - 10/21/2008

I've attached a really messy script that outlines how I'd do this. This could be done much more elegantly *if only* the font properties were fully dynamic (*wink wink*@Sean)...

By ErikM - 10/21/2008

Thanks Dave, I'll see if I can make this work.
By Dave - 10/23/2008

You're welcome. Keep me posted on your progress!

By ErikM - 10/27/2008

Great, got it working. It's not 100% smooth, but it's enough to create the illusion of the stimulus moving toward or away from the participant.

Thanks again!
By Dave - 10/27/2008

Good to see that you could make it work. BTW, you can 'smoothen' the animation by a) adding more text elements with smaller increments / decrements in size and b) adjusting the '/ stimulusframes' command for the animation trials.
