Millisecond Forums

Video Not Showing

By Nathan Kearns - 3/30/2017

For some reason, when we run the code in Inquisit, the video is not appearing... only the default grey(ish) screen. Briefly, the video is 3:03 minutes and currently in .avi format. Below is the code. Any suggestions?


/stimulustimes= [1=ContVideo]




/items =("Videos/ContVideo.avi")

/playthrough= true

/size =(2000,2000)

/ position= (25, 25)


By Dave - 3/30/2017

Nathan Kearns - Thursday, March 30, 2017

For some reason, when we run the code in Inquisit, the video is not appearing... only the default grey(ish) screen. Briefly, the video is 3:03 minutes and currently in .avi format. Below is the code. Any suggestions?


/stimulustimes= [1=ContVideo]




/items =("Videos/ContVideo.avi")

/playthrough= true

/size =(2000,2000)

/ position= (25, 25)


Offhand, the /size specification in the <video> element seems off / might cause problems. If you don't specify a unit (e.g. pixels -- px, millimeters -- mm, etc.), Inquisit will treat the values as percentages. Your video would be sized far larger than the visible screen area with

/size =(2000,2000)

i. e. this is equivalent to

/size = (2000%, 2000%)

If you mean to define the size in pixels, specify

/size = (2000px, 2000px)

It is also possible that the video doesn't play properly because the system doesn't have a suitable codec available to render the file (the extension -- avi -- in and of itself means little, AVI is a container format, i.e. the video and audio streams can be encoded in any number of different video and audio codecs).