Millisecond Forums

Skip Surveypage Questions based on Answer

By smile_its_zoe - 4/5/2017


I have a <survey> of 3 <surveypage>'s and i would like to skip <surveypage surveypg9> if the answer of a slider.LightGlare is 0? 

I've been playing around with /skip and /branch but i can't seem to get it right. Any help would be great

Kind Regards



<survey demographics>
/ pages = [ 4=surveypg8; 5=surveypg9; 6=surveypg10]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 6%
/ showpagenumbers = false

<surveypage surveypg8>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightPref; 2=LightAcc; 3=LightGlare]
/ skip = [if (slider.LightGlare.response = 0) 0]

<surveypage surveypg9>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightGlareSourceCP; 2=LightGlareSource1; 3=LightGlareSource2; 4=LightGlareMag; 5=LightGlareComfort]

<surveypage surveypg10>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=NoiseSense; 2= ViewSense;]


PAGE 8 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider LightPref>
/ caption = "How would you prefer the lighting to be within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nPrefer~nMuch Darker~n-3", "~nPrefer Darker~n-2", "~nPrefer Slightly~nDarker~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nPrefer Slightly~nLighter~n+1", "~nPrefer Lighter~n+2", "~nPrefer Much~nLighter~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,20)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightAcc>
/ caption = "How acceptabe is the lighting with the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nClearly~nNot Acceptable~n-2", "~nNot Acceptable~n-1", "~nAcceptable~n0", "~nJust Acceptable~n+1", "~nClearly Acceptable~n+2")
/ range = (-2, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlare>
/ caption = "Are you experiencing any issues with glare from the computer or on your person whilst sitting at your desk?"
/ labels = ("~nNo~n0", "~nSome Issues~n+1", "~nYes~n+2",)
/ range = (0, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (30%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 9 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<caption LightGlareSourceCP>
/ caption = "16) Can you identify the source of the glare? (Select as many as appropriate)"
/ position = (15, 20)
/ fontstyle =("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<checkboxes LightGlareSource1>
/ options=("Computer Screen", "Window", "Direct Sunlight",)
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3")
/ position = (20, 25)
/ required = false

<checkboxes LightGlareSource2>
/ options=("Internal Electric Lighting", "Reflection of Sunlight", "Unable to Identify")
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("4","5","6")
/ position = (35, 25)
/ required = false

<slider LightGlareMag>
/ caption = "How would you describe the magnitude?"
/ labels = ("~nDoes Not~nBother Me~n0", "~nSlightly Noticeable~n+1", "~nNoticeable~n+2", "~nSlightly Disturbing~n+3", "~nIntolerable~n+4")
/ range = (0, 4)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlareComfort>
/ caption = "How does the glare make you feel?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Uncomfortable~n0", "~nUncomfortable~n+1", "~nSlightly Uncomfortable~n+2", "~nDoes Not Bother Me~n+3",)
/ range = (0, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 10 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider NoiseSense>
/ caption = "How would you describe the level of noise within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Noisey~n-3", "~nNoisey~n-2", "~nSlightly Noisey~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nSlightly~nQuiet~n+1", "~nQuiet~n+2", "~nVery~nQuiet~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,25)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider ViewSense>
/ caption = "How satisfied are you with the quality of your view at your current desk location?"
/ labels = ("~nExtremely~nSatisfied~n-3", "~nModerately~nSatisfied~n-2", "~nSlightly~nSatisfied~n-1", "~nNeither Satisfied~nor Dissatisfied~n0", "~nSlightly~nDissatisfied~n+1", "~nModerately~nDissatisfied~n+2", "~nExteremley~nDissatisfied~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,55)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true


By Dave - 4/5/2017

smile_its_zoe - Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I have a <survey> of 3 <surveypage>'s and i would like to skip <surveypage surveypg9> if the answer of a slider.LightGlare is 0? 

I've been playing around with /skip and /branch but i can't seem to get it right. Any help would be great

Kind Regards



<survey demographics>
/ pages = [ 4=surveypg8; 5=surveypg9; 6=surveypg10]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 6%
/ showpagenumbers = false

<surveypage surveypg8>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightPref; 2=LightAcc; 3=LightGlare]
/ skip = [if (slider.LightGlare.response = 0) 0]

<surveypage surveypg9>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightGlareSourceCP; 2=LightGlareSource1; 3=LightGlareSource2; 4=LightGlareMag; 5=LightGlareComfort]

<surveypage surveypg10>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=NoiseSense; 2= ViewSense;]


PAGE 8 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider LightPref>
/ caption = "How would you prefer the lighting to be within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nPrefer~nMuch Darker~n-3", "~nPrefer Darker~n-2", "~nPrefer Slightly~nDarker~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nPrefer Slightly~nLighter~n+1", "~nPrefer Lighter~n+2", "~nPrefer Much~nLighter~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,20)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightAcc>
/ caption = "How acceptabe is the lighting with the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nClearly~nNot Acceptable~n-2", "~nNot Acceptable~n-1", "~nAcceptable~n0", "~nJust Acceptable~n+1", "~nClearly Acceptable~n+2")
/ range = (-2, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlare>
/ caption = "Are you experiencing any issues with glare from the computer or on your person whilst sitting at your desk?"
/ labels = ("~nNo~n0", "~nSome Issues~n+1", "~nYes~n+2",)
/ range = (0, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (30%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 9 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<caption LightGlareSourceCP>
/ caption = "16) Can you identify the source of the glare? (Select as many as appropriate)"
/ position = (15, 20)
/ fontstyle =("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<checkboxes LightGlareSource1>
/ options=("Computer Screen", "Window", "Direct Sunlight",)
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3")
/ position = (20, 25)
/ required = false

<checkboxes LightGlareSource2>
/ options=("Internal Electric Lighting", "Reflection of Sunlight", "Unable to Identify")
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("4","5","6")
/ position = (35, 25)
/ required = false

<slider LightGlareMag>
/ caption = "How would you describe the magnitude?"
/ labels = ("~nDoes Not~nBother Me~n0", "~nSlightly Noticeable~n+1", "~nNoticeable~n+2", "~nSlightly Disturbing~n+3", "~nIntolerable~n+4")
/ range = (0, 4)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlareComfort>
/ caption = "How does the glare make you feel?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Uncomfortable~n0", "~nUncomfortable~n+1", "~nSlightly Uncomfortable~n+2", "~nDoes Not Bother Me~n+3",)
/ range = (0, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 10 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider NoiseSense>
/ caption = "How would you describe the level of noise within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Noisey~n-3", "~nNoisey~n-2", "~nSlightly Noisey~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nSlightly~nQuiet~n+1", "~nQuiet~n+2", "~nVery~nQuiet~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,25)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider ViewSense>
/ caption = "How satisfied are you with the quality of your view at your current desk location?"
/ labels = ("~nExtremely~nSatisfied~n-3", "~nModerately~nSatisfied~n-2", "~nSlightly~nSatisfied~n-1", "~nNeither Satisfied~nor Dissatisfied~n0", "~nSlightly~nDissatisfied~n+1", "~nModerately~nDissatisfied~n+2", "~nExteremley~nDissatisfied~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,55)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true


<surveypage surveypg9>
/ skip = [
    slider.LightGlare.response == 0

/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightGlareSourceCP; 2=LightGlareSource1; 3=LightGlareSource2; 4=LightGlareMag; 5=LightGlareComfort]

should just work.
By smile_its_zoe - 4/5/2017

Dave - Wednesday, April 5, 2017
smile_its_zoe - Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I have a <survey> of 3 <surveypage>'s and i would like to skip <surveypage surveypg9> if the answer of a slider.LightGlare is 0? 

I've been playing around with /skip and /branch but i can't seem to get it right. Any help would be great

Kind Regards



<survey demographics>
/ pages = [ 4=surveypg8; 5=surveypg9; 6=surveypg10]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 6%
/ showpagenumbers = false

<surveypage surveypg8>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightPref; 2=LightAcc; 3=LightGlare]
/ skip = [if (slider.LightGlare.response = 0) 0]

<surveypage surveypg9>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightGlareSourceCP; 2=LightGlareSource1; 3=LightGlareSource2; 4=LightGlareMag; 5=LightGlareComfort]

<surveypage surveypg10>
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=NoiseSense; 2= ViewSense;]


PAGE 8 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider LightPref>
/ caption = "How would you prefer the lighting to be within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nPrefer~nMuch Darker~n-3", "~nPrefer Darker~n-2", "~nPrefer Slightly~nDarker~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nPrefer Slightly~nLighter~n+1", "~nPrefer Lighter~n+2", "~nPrefer Much~nLighter~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,20)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightAcc>
/ caption = "How acceptabe is the lighting with the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nClearly~nNot Acceptable~n-2", "~nNot Acceptable~n-1", "~nAcceptable~n0", "~nJust Acceptable~n+1", "~nClearly Acceptable~n+2")
/ range = (-2, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlare>
/ caption = "Are you experiencing any issues with glare from the computer or on your person whilst sitting at your desk?"
/ labels = ("~nNo~n0", "~nSome Issues~n+1", "~nYes~n+2",)
/ range = (0, 2)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (30%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 9 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<caption LightGlareSourceCP>
/ caption = "16) Can you identify the source of the glare? (Select as many as appropriate)"
/ position = (15, 20)
/ fontstyle =("Calibri", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)

<checkboxes LightGlareSource1>
/ options=("Computer Screen", "Window", "Direct Sunlight",)
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3")
/ position = (20, 25)
/ required = false

<checkboxes LightGlareSource2>
/ options=("Internal Electric Lighting", "Reflection of Sunlight", "Unable to Identify")
/ orientation=vertical
/ optionvalues = ("4","5","6")
/ position = (35, 25)
/ required = false

<slider LightGlareMag>
/ caption = "How would you describe the magnitude?"
/ labels = ("~nDoes Not~nBother Me~n0", "~nSlightly Noticeable~n+1", "~nNoticeable~n+2", "~nSlightly Disturbing~n+3", "~nIntolerable~n+4")
/ range = (0, 4)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,42.5)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider LightGlareComfort>
/ caption = "How does the glare make you feel?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Uncomfortable~n0", "~nUncomfortable~n+1", "~nSlightly Uncomfortable~n+2", "~nDoes Not Bother Me~n+3",)
/ range = (0, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,65)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

PAGE 10 Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<slider NoiseSense>
/ caption = "How would you describe the level of noise within the room at present?"
/ labels = ("~nVery Noisey~n-3", "~nNoisey~n-2", "~nSlightly Noisey~n-1", "~nNeutral~n0", "~nSlightly~nQuiet~n+1", "~nQuiet~n+2", "~nVery~nQuiet~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,25)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true

<slider ViewSense>
/ caption = "How satisfied are you with the quality of your view at your current desk location?"
/ labels = ("~nExtremely~nSatisfied~n-3", "~nModerately~nSatisfied~n-2", "~nSlightly~nSatisfied~n-1", "~nNeither Satisfied~nor Dissatisfied~n0", "~nSlightly~nDissatisfied~n+1", "~nModerately~nDissatisfied~n+2", "~nExteremley~nDissatisfied~n+3")
/ range = (-3, 3)
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ position = (15,55)
/ slidersize = (60%, 10%)
/ showtooltips = true


<surveypage surveypg9>
/ skip = [
    slider.LightGlare.response == 0

/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 13pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=LightGlareSourceCP; 2=LightGlareSource1; 3=LightGlareSource2; 4=LightGlareMag; 5=LightGlareComfort]

should just work.

Thanks again, works perfectly!!