We have just upgraded to Inquisit 5 and my web study is running fine until the debrief sheet is supposed to appear at the end. Maybe I have not entered the URL correctly (I've had an issue with this before) and it won't work if I try to connect to a custom finish page as I am used to doing. The message I get once I run the study with the URL is that scripts.millisecond.com took too long, then when I run the troubleshooter it says: resource(scripts.millisecond.com) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts.
This has been happening for the past day so was wondering if you can suggest anything that I can do to get it to work/if there is anywhere I might be going. Internet is working fine on this side and I've tried turning off the firewall but that doesn't change anything. The webscript link is
http://research.millisecond.com/stevekelly/fullscript_test.webThank you.