Millisecond Forums

No data recorded with sliders

By chonasson - 6/7/2017

Hi there
I tried to make a survey with sliders. Unfortunately, it doesn't record any data. Meaning: slider.response is empty. When I upload my script on Inquisit Web it works perfectly...
Is this a bug in the local version of the software?

Here is my code:

<slider slidertest>
/caption = "Please choose"
/ labels = ("1" "2" "3" "4" "5")
/ range = (1, 5)
/ required = true

<surveypage slidertest>
/ questions = [1=slider.slidertest ]

<block slidertest>
/trials = [1=slidertest]

<expt >
/ blocks = [1 = slidertest]

Screenshot of the data i get:

Thank you for your help!
By Dave - 6/8/2017

chonasson - Thursday, June 8, 2017
Hi there
I tried to make a survey with sliders. Unfortunately, it doesn't record any data. Meaning: slider.response is empty. When I upload my script on Inquisit Web it works perfectly...
Is this a bug in the local version of the software?

Here is my code:

<slider slidertest>
/caption = "Please choose"
/ labels = ("1" "2" "3" "4" "5")
/ range = (1, 5)
/ required = true

<surveypage slidertest>
/ questions = [1=slider.slidertest ]

<block slidertest>
/trials = [1=slidertest]

<expt >
/ blocks = [1 = slidertest]

Screenshot of the data i get:

Thank you for your help!

If you're generating data under Inquisit Lab using the monkey and the <slider> is set to /required=true that is expected. See

The script will work just fine if you complete it manually in either Inquisit Lab or Web.