I am trying to change the Visual Scanning Englung 1987 script to present an image from a choice of 21 (without replacement) for 500ms for each trial before the letter matrix appears to stimulate participants. I have tried following this advice
https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic19656.aspx?Keywords=images but it does not work.
This is the original beginning of the script to define the beginning of the trial
<trial fixation>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.count_trialsstarted += 1;
values.input_rowdigits = "";
values.input_rowdigit1 = "";
values.input_rowdigit2 = "";
values.responsecode = "";
text.row1.textbgcolor = black;
text.row2.textbgcolor = black; ..... etc
I tried changing the beginning to / stimulustimes but it hasn't worked so far, I am new with Inquisit and have found it quite challenging
Could you please help me?