Millisecond Forums

response window for exp

By qwerty - 11/5/2008

Hi there,
I apologize for posting a possibly repeated item or simple/obvious question, but I did a search and couldn't seem to find the answer I was looking for in the help or forums.

I just want to change the response window at the experiment level to 1000 ms for all items. I tried a few things with no luck. Ia m a little rusty with my inquisit. Any suggestions. Many thanks
By Dave - 11/6/2008

So, you don't want any of your trials to last longer than 1000 ms, correct? If so, you'll need to add the '/ timeout' attribute to your existing <trial> definitions. For example:

<trial example>
/ timeout = 1000

If this is not what you had in mind, please reply with a more detailed outline of what you're trying to accomplish!

Hope this helps,