Millisecond Forums

stimuli disappearing on response

By NickLevy1990 - 6/22/2017

Long time listener first time caller. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm running 5.0.7
I'm writing a script to record responses to a face stimulus. 
Participants see the face for 500ms, then a fixation cross for 1500ms. I want the stimuli displayed for the whole time.
For some reason the picture disappears when you respond, and if you respond once the fixation cross is up, the fixation cross disappears.
I've followed the advice posted here but to no avail

here are the relevant elements. I've attached the entire script as well.

<trial surprise_trial_F_pos_o1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.currentpic_number = values.currentpic_number +1
/stimulustimes = [1=faces_picture_o1, reminder_F_pos; 500 = occluder,text.FixBlack_text_no_erase]
/responseinterrupt = trial
/validresponse =("f", "j")
/ correctresponse = ("f")
/trialduration = 2000
/ beginresponsetime = -1
/ontrialend = [
if (trial.surprise_trial_F_pos_o1.correct)
values.surprise_pos_rating = values.surprise_pos_rating +1;
else {
values.surprise_neg_rating = values.surprise_neg_rating +1;
values.block_surprise_neg_rating = values.block_surprise_neg_rating +1}

<picture faces_picture_o1>
/items = faces_items_o1
/select = values.currentpic_number
/width = 75%
/height = 75%
/erase = false

<text FixBlack_text_no_erase>
/ items = Fixation_item
/ fontstyle = ("arial", -150, false, false, false, false)
/erase = false

Would really appreciate any help, 
By Dave - 6/23/2017

NickLevy1990 - Thursday, June 22, 2017
Long time listener first time caller. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm running 5.0.7
I'm writing a script to record responses to a face stimulus. 
Participants see the face for 500ms, then a fixation cross for 1500ms. I want the stimuli displayed for the whole time.
For some reason the picture disappears when you respond, and if you respond once the fixation cross is up, the fixation cross disappears.
I've followed the advice posted here but to no avail

here are the relevant elements. I've attached the entire script as well.

<trial surprise_trial_F_pos_o1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.currentpic_number = values.currentpic_number +1
/stimulustimes = [1=faces_picture_o1, reminder_F_pos; 500 = occluder,text.FixBlack_text_no_erase]
/responseinterrupt = trial
/validresponse =("f", "j")
/ correctresponse = ("f")
/trialduration = 2000
/ beginresponsetime = -1
/ontrialend = [
if (trial.surprise_trial_F_pos_o1.correct)
values.surprise_pos_rating = values.surprise_pos_rating +1;
else {
values.surprise_neg_rating = values.surprise_neg_rating +1;
values.block_surprise_neg_rating = values.block_surprise_neg_rating +1}

<picture faces_picture_o1>
/items = faces_items_o1
/select = values.currentpic_number
/width = 75%
/height = 75%
/erase = false

<text FixBlack_text_no_erase>
/ items = Fixation_item
/ fontstyle = ("arial", -150, false, false, false, false)
/erase = false

Would really appreciate any help, 

> For some reason the picture disappears when you respond, and if you respond once the fixation cross is up, the fixation cross disappears.

<picture occluder>
/items = occluder
/select = 1
/width = 100%
/height = 100%

needs to be set to /erase=false as well

<picture occluder>
/items = occluder
/select = 1
/width = 100%
/height = 100%
/ erase = false

and while I'm unable to reproduce "For some reason the picture disappears when you respond", try setting the <trial>'s /responseinterrupt to frames instead of trial.

<trial surprise_trial_F_pos_o1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.currentpic_number = values.currentpic_number +1
/stimulustimes = [1=faces_picture_o1, reminder_F_pos; 500 = occluder,text.FixBlack_text_no_erase]
/responseinterrupt = frames