By JuliaNo - 6/24/2017
Hey Dave,
I can't figure out how to show a picture stimulus dependent on a text anwer. So in the experiment people are asked which country they are from and they can click on the answer and then they get feedback on a new trial ("You have indicated that you are from Country xy" with a flag). In the code I wrote so far people always see the same flag. I tried making different trials and using the branch attribute to show them dependent on the answer before but that somehow didn't work.
I post the whole code below, bascially what I need is that in trial CountryConfirmation one of the stimulusframes would be GermanFlagIni if they had chosen German, and PortugalFlagIni if they had chosen Portuguese in trial LanguagePickDual2.
------ code ------
<trial LanguagePickDual2> / stimulusframes = [1=languageQuestionDual2, EuropeMap, OtherCountryDual, German, Portuguese] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("OtherCountryDual", "German", "Portuguese") </trial>
<text languageQuestionDual2> /items = ("Within Europe, please indicate where you are from.") /position = (50,12) </text>
<picture EuropeMap> / items = ("EuropeMap.png") / position = (50, 58) / size = (75%, 75%) </picture>
<picture German> / items = ("Flag_of_Germany.png") / position = (43.2, 54) / size = (5.5%, 5.5%) </picture>
<picture Portuguese> / items = ("Flag_of_Portugal.png") / position = (23.5, 79) / size = (5.5%, 5.5%) </picture>
<text OtherCountryDual> /items = ("I am from another country") /position = (50,95) </text>
<picture GermanFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_Germany.png") / position = (56.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<picture PortugalFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_Portugal.png") / position = (56.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<picture EUFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_EU.png") / position = (44.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<trial CountryConfirmation> / stimulusframes = [1=Confirmation, ClickToContinue, GermanFlagIni, EUFlagIni] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("ClickToContinue") </trial>
<text Confirmation> /items = ("You have indicated that you are ~n European and <% trial.LanguagePickDual2.response %>") /position = (50,45) /fontstyle = ("Calibri", 5.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<text ClickToContinue> / items = ("Click here to continue") / position = (50,80) / txbgcolor = grey) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.08%, false, true, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<block LanguagepickDual> /trials = [1=LanguagePickDual2, CountryConfirmation] </block>
By Dave - 6/26/2017
+xHey Dave, I can't figure out how to show a picture stimulus dependent on a text anwer. So in the experiment people are asked which country they are from and they can click on the answer and then they get feedback on a new trial ("You have indicated that you are from Country xy" with a flag). In the code I wrote so far people always see the same flag. I tried making different trials and using the branch attribute to show them dependent on the answer before but that somehow didn't work. I post the whole code below, bascially what I need is that in trial CountryConfirmation one of the stimulusframes would be GermanFlagIni if they had chosen German, and PortugalFlagIni if they had chosen Portuguese in trial LanguagePickDual2. ------ code ------ <trial LanguagePickDual2> / stimulusframes = [1=languageQuestionDual2, EuropeMap, OtherCountryDual, German, Portuguese] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("OtherCountryDual", "German", "Portuguese") </trial> <text languageQuestionDual2> /items = ("Within Europe, please indicate where you are from.") /position = (50,12) </text> <picture EuropeMap> / items = ("EuropeMap.png") / position = (50, 58) / size = (75%, 75%) </picture> <picture German> / items = ("Flag_of_Germany.png") / position = (43.2, 54) / size = (5.5%, 5.5%) </picture> <picture Portuguese> / items = ("Flag_of_Portugal.png") / position = (23.5, 79) / size = (5.5%, 5.5%) </picture> <text OtherCountryDual> /items = ("I am from another country") /position = (50,95) </text> <picture GermanFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_Germany.png") / position = (56.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture> <picture PortugalFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_Portugal.png") / position = (56.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture> <picture EUFlagIni> / items = ("Flag_of_EU.png") / position = (44.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture> <trial CountryConfirmation> / stimulusframes = [1=Confirmation, ClickToContinue, GermanFlagIni, EUFlagIni] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("ClickToContinue") </trial> <text Confirmation> /items = ("You have indicated that you are ~n European and <% trial.LanguagePickDual2.response %>") /position = (50,45) /fontstyle = ("Calibri", 5.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text> <text ClickToContinue> / items = ("Click here to continue") / position = (50,80) / txbgcolor = grey) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.08%, false, true, false, false, 5, 1) </text> <block LanguagepickDual> /trials = [1=LanguagePickDual2, CountryConfirmation] </block> Set up a single <picture> element with the three flag images as its items.
<picture Flagini> / items = ("Flag_of_Germany.png", "Flag_of_Portugal.png", "Flag_of_EU.png") / select = values.flagitem / position = (56.5, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<values> / flagitem = 3 </values>
Set the value to the item corresponding to the given response /ontrialend
<trial LanguagePickDual2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.LanguagePickDual2.response == "German") values.flagitem = 1; if (trial.languagepickdual2.response == "Portuguese") values.flagitem = 2; ] / stimulusframes = [1=languageQuestionDual2, EuropeMap, OtherCountryDual, German, Portuguese] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("OtherCountryDual", "German", "Portuguese") </trial>
Display the flag picture.
<trial CountryConfirmation> / stimulusframes = [1=Confirmation, ClickToContinue, FlagIni] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = ("ClickToContinue") </trial>