Millisecond Forums

nextlabel in <instruct> does not always work

By himandy - 11/9/2008

The defalt value for "/nextlabel" in <instruct> is "Next". I've change it into other language. And I've made:  /nextkey=" ".

 But I found that during the same experiment, sometimes it works and sometimes it appear as "Press [space] to continue".

It's not very important, our participants can understand that simple English. But it's interesting. I think it's because the program didn't have enough working memory to process the value of "/nextlabel", so it read the value of "/nextkey" and showed its own "/nextlabel".

By Dave - 11/9/2008

Here's one thing to check. If you have a set of, say, three instruction pages, the '/nextlabel' setting only applies to the first two pages. For the last page in the set, you'll have to use '/finishlabel' to get a custom text displayed on the button. Of course, I don't know if this is what's happening in your case, but this is one of the things I tend to forget when I'm writing scripts.


EDIT: Sorry, one minor correction. It's '/lastlabel' not '/finishlabel'.
By himandy - 11/10/2008

Yes! It works with lastlabel. Thanks